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Comment Re:Hmm. (Score 1) 653

I don't know if you've been to Mountainview lately, but prices are just as high as in SF itself when I was looking for a place in the bay area a month ago.

With rents upwards of $2K a month minimum for a modest 2 bedroom, there's ample reason for developers to build more housing...so long as the process isn't a PITA.

Comment Vs MTG (Score 2) 131

I've played a bit of both, so here's the differences.
* There's no real way to respond on another player's turn, which lessens the strategy, but also means you're not waiting on your effects to resolve forever. Games generally take much less time (~15 minutes at most)
* Not quite as chancy. You just can't win on turn 3. The infinite and quasi-infinite combos of MTG are, as of yet, nonexistant. And there are some *good* combos, but you can't base your deck on channel/fireball as you could during MTG alphas;)
* Harder to keep permanents. All permanents are characters or attached to characters which can be damaged directly via attacking them with your creatures. As a result, utility creatures are much harder to keep alive.

Blizzard's done a great job of making a CCG that actually plays well online by designing it to be that way from the ground up. Unless MTG does a redesign, or at least designs cards specifically to be played online, it will always be a cludgy using a Windows Tablet circa 1999 (or a Windows 8 machine circa now).

Comment Why not a "Super Bowl"? (Score 3, Insightful) 284

Clearly, the current 3-year cycle makes no sense.

At the same time, people LIKE tournaments. If you want to be the true world champion, why not have regionals, as the author suggests -- but limit them to residents and let them be "open" (single elimination in round 1). We have brackets in other sports. This would allow people to compete regardless of wealth.

Each "continental champion" (think "North American Champion" or even "East Asian Champion") could face off in a tournament with the other regionals. This would let each population cheer for its hometown star from New York to New Dehli. Sure, maybe the two "best" don't face off in the "World Championship" but it also allows underdogs to win more easily and makes it more competitive.

Or we could just crown Deep Blue every year.

Comment Re:Excellent question. (Score 1) 228

Flying into Reno just doesn't seem like an option since I can't bring the 3 5-gallon containers I feel I need for the duration of the event

Gerlach may be dead, but Reno has plenty of stores. There's an unwritten rules that if you're flying in, your group stops at the grocery store -- which is filled with other awesome Burners. They're generally pretty easy to identify, but not as easy to identify as the playa-dust encrusted passengers on the flight back. As far as other supplies, many Burners pool their resources and rent a shipping container, at least in NYC and ATX.

Driving is a waste, unless you live close, as some of us have jobs and would rather spend Monday and Tuesday on the playa rather than commuting. YMMV.

And happy burn!;)

Comment Re:Uh, no. (Score 3, Interesting) 496

s/nuclear bomb/arms/

What you are missing here is that these files this guy is sharing are essentially just descriptions of shapes and therefore typically would be considered speech. The files then let you make nuclear weapons (though really poor quality ones). He is sharing information though, not nuclear weapons, which is why this has been transmuted from a second amendment issue to a first amendment one.

Arms=small arms and nuclear arms. Free speech famously has limits (falsely yelling "fire" in a crowded theater) so where do we draw the line here?

Comment Historical Context (Score 1) 424

How many people here have discovered dead civil rights activists riddled with bullets? Hands? Yes Dianne?


I think I'd be a bit traumatized too and probably not like anything with guns in it -- including games.

While I disagree with this specific method, I'm glad Feinstein is trying to address the problem of gun violence with a solution other than "more guns, yehaw!". The GOP seems to think there is no problem that cannot be solved through a combination of tax cuts, guns, and Jesus.

Comment WTF is wrong with you? (Score 2) 264

Sorry, dork, your tinfoil hat tea party sites may swallow your bullshit, but there are a few here at slashdot who are a little better educated.

You may want to consider adding "culture" to your education. There's a wonderful little film making fun of these tin-foil hats called "Dr. Strangelove" which is arguably the most famous black comedic film of all-time. Type "communism fluoride" into Google and watch General Ripper give a lecture about it. It's supposed to be funny, but you haven't seen the film, so you don't get the joke.

Comment Headphones (Score 1) 561

I'm guessing by "music" you mean stuff with lyrics -- hence your comment about human voices. I have ADHD too and here's my advice.

My personal favorite for getting work done is Rodrigo y Gabriela's first album, but if you're not into that sort of thing, there's also classical, post-punk (Godspeed/Turtles), ambient (Brian Eno), orchestral video game music (Nobuo Uematsu) etc etc. If music fails, white noise may work but has the issue of your brain wanting to pay more attention to the noise you're trying to block out since what you're listening to is boring. A friend of mine also with ADHD loved to listen to fast-paced Celtic music when reading during college.

There's also noise-cancelling headphones.

Comment And Hollywood is accurate when? (Score 1) 305

Is it any surprise that Hollywood gets UI wrong in favor of "looking good" when we have:
* Bad physics (don't even get me started on the sound explosions make in space)
* Bad understanding of current technology (every hacking movie ever -- with the very notable exception of The Social Network)
* Bad history (based on a true story!)
Etc etc.

Hollywood fundamentally wants to make something that "looks pretty" and to hell with practical applications -- because that pretty picture is ultimately what is being delivered to you. In other news, I'm guessing the food in movies doesn't taste as good as it looks either -- but I sympathize with that are set with the general public and those whose job it is to fulfill them.

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