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Comment Re:Social Opportunity (Score 1) 274

Online poker? No, I don't play. No psych. No way of knowing they aren't blatantly cheating. etc etc.

Why anybody would trust an online casino when every city has a local illegal game available is beyond me. Comparisons between state lotteries and numbers rackets are apt. (the illegal numbers rackets games are much much better bets).

Comment Re:What could possibly go wrong? (Score 3, Interesting) 174

Rainforests are CO2 neutral.

It is often quoted that rain forests absorb buttloads of CO2, but they give off equal amounts. Unless a swamp/jungle is laying down geological CO2 (there are a very few left, Okefenokee is the example that springs to mind) it is just absorbing it, short term. While the rot at the base of the tree is giving off an equal amount.

Comment Re:I'll check that immediately (Score 1) 232

Culture isn't that different. My cousin was in charge of purchasing 500 MB trucks for his business/employer (he owns a big chunk of stock). They _gave_ him a 500SL to close the deal, completely off the books. That would be criminal in the USA.

Deals in Germany are often closed on a handshake. Binding or not, so long as the people involved are not from the former east, people are trusted and your word is important.

Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 1) 65

2 parties suck, but n parties; coalition governments and regular reformations of coalitions also suck. Too much power in the hands of small parties that end up holding the balance.

I'm in favor of no political parties. But accept it's untested IRL and could continue politics being only affordable to the rich.

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