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Comment I Disagree (Score 1) 29

The desire to say "why me?" is a human constant ...

Actually, when everything has gone to hell in a handbasket and I'm already there and looking back on it all, I have to say, I have to say, that it was either absolutely and totally my own fault - iow, more or less inevitable given my own actions - or, if we posit a creator/intervener, that it made perfect sense to let me experience the whatever, put that burden on my shoulders.

They say God doesn't burden you with more than you can bear; you dead yet? I'm not.

Comment Drama v Literature (Score 1) 8

I think you're right in saying that people go over the top in demanding absolute (absolutistic) adherence in adaptations of their favourite oeuvre. Well, if doesn't exactly mimic absolutely everything in the book(s), then it isn't a proper adaptation at all and I shaaaaaaaan't have it!. There seems to be genuine and general difficulty in distinguishing drama from literature: what makes literary sense (or, at least, what doesn't detract from literary qualities of a literary work) is quite different from dramatic qualities. LOTR is actually a really good example (incidentally, I don't particularly like the book(s), but have grown quite fond of the long versions of the filmatizations): I remember some idiot on Australian television complaining that Tom Bombadil wasn't in the films at all - but however interesting a worthwhile from a literary POV, the Bombadil bit doesn't do anything, anything at all, for the dramatic LOTR story.

Role Playing (Games)

Journal Journal: Love in the Time of Role Playing Games

[setting: the woo household. bettiwettiwoo is bitching to her lord and master, Dr woo (a.k.a. MFM), about her latest kitchen accident: a 4cmX2cm blister on her left, inner arm, acquired by handling the steaming hot water kettle in such a peculiarly inept manner one would really have to see it, or at least see the consequences of it, in order to believe it.]

Comment Re:Crap List (Score 1) 10

Considering that I think everybody who voted for Aretha Franklin (et al.) were talking to the gremlins in their heads, it makes perfect sense to have an imaginary singer as #1. It would make the list more honest!

Let's be honest: few people own Aretha Franklin albums, even fewer listen to them; John Lennon is not a singer, he's a tragedy; the best thing about James Brown is the Was Not Was song I Feel Better Than James Brown; and Tina Turner ahead of Freddie Mercury ??? Yeah, that'll be about right. Not.

Comment Re:start at the end (Score 1) 10

No, you're right: most Rolling Stone lists seem to make more sense upside down ... only, I'm not sure this one make all that much sense even then: #95 Patti LaBelle. Has anybody who voted for Patti actually heard her sing? I mean c'mon on now, people: the voice in LaBelle was Nona Hendryx!

The only Stones album I like is Tattoo You. And, of course, you're right: neither Mick Jagger nor Dylan belong on the 'best singer' list. It's absurd.

Comment Oh, Please! (Score 1) 10

Oh, please: Aretha Franklin is one of those 'tick singers': she's just a box all aspiring R&B songstresses have to tick when asked about role models, favourite singers, inspirations, whatever.

Yes, we all know and love Think and R-E-S-P-E-C-T and possibly that poppy thing she did with George Michael and possibly, possibly her cover of Jumping Jack Flash, but nobody can listen to that nasal screeching for an entire album. It's simply impossible.

Insofar as anybody's actually owning any album of hers at all, they're the ones collecting dust in the corner, together with Leonard Cohen's and Neil Young's oeuvres. Bought in order to tick a box; always passed over for something more easy on the ear.


Journal Journal: Immovable objects 8

And again.

Listen, your treasured favourite stories will always suffer to one degree or another in adaptation, that's a given. And yes, some are more inexcusable than others. But to get all absolutist is silly.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sucks 29

I don't really do the self-pity thing. Not, I'll caution, because I'm not capable. The desire to say "why me?" is a human constant. No, the reason has more to do with fantastic conditioning: A moving target is harder to hit. Allowing yourself any luxury after a setback is just stupid.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Starting to suck a little less 8

Although I still hate:
  • Big green splodge at the top. No, fuck no.
  • Right-side widgets. 2 problems: They're borked and they're useless anyway. Now, if you let us set what comments/journals/friends we would like it to show, you might be on to something. It would be a way to highlight JEs/comments/fans/freaks that you want to show off.
  • Ajax crap. Always hated it, and have never used the beta index. Slow, bloated, confusing. As someone else mentioned, if it's less DB in
It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: When did this become a problem? 11

(filed under "Who writes these things anyway?")

I bought a plug for my bathtub this weekend.

The package says:

Universal Tub Stopper
Long Life Material
Specially Engineered Rubber
to Resist Harsh Chemicals
and Hard Water.

When did people start taking baths in harsh chemicals? Did I miss some new fad?

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: [POLL] Bathroom poll. 6

After looking at the toilet that the user pages have become, I prescribe a dose of humor - hence this poll:

When was the last time you went into the other genders' bathroom?

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The only possible interpretation of any research whatever in the `social sciences' is: some do, some don't. -- Ernest Rutherford
