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Comment Re:Depends (Score 1) 256

The problem with tape is the cost of the drives. Most people don't have more than a terabyte or two of data, so even if they bought two external USB hard drives and rotated them it would be much cheaper and pretty much just as reliable. Tape is good when you need to keep backups for a long time, not so good for most home and many business users who just want to protect the data they have now.

Comment Re:Apple stole nothing (Score 1) 194

Have a look at the Tesla implementation. Works with gloves, very responsive and easy to use. There are physical buttons on the steering wheel that can be configured to control different things (radio, climate, navigation etc).

Realistically you can only remember the position of so many buttons, so end up looking for more obscure functions even if there is a physical switch to control them. The Tesla implementation is no worse than that.

Comment Re:I must be in the minority. (Score 2) 467

Not getting a serious illness that your insurance won't fully cover is luck. Not being sued into oblivion by some asshat is luck. Not retiring during a major world recession is luck.

Also, if you hadn't noticed, there are a lot of rip-offs, scams and ponzi schemes going on in the investment market. Supposedly skilled and knowledgeable investors fell for them because the crooks are good at what they do. Would be nice if you could get by with just safer, guaranteed return investments rather than having to become some kind of financial expert.

Comment Re:Headline is silly... (Score 1) 467

Do most people expect to carry on earning the same amount in retirement? Usually by that point your expenses are much lower, since the kids have left home and the mortgage is paid off. No need to commute five days a week, and you can take holidays outside of peak times when everything is cheaper. You could downsize your family size home to get a lump sum too.

Comment Re:I will be a millionaire. (Score 1) 467

Dude, I can only dream of buying a house and paying it off in 30 years! In the UK the average wage buys you a kennel. I'm on well above that, but even so I can only afford a fairly shitty 1 bedroom flat on a 35 year mortgage and a government "help to buy" scheme.

We reached the point where to buy even a small house you need two people earning a well above average wage.

Comment Re:The Real Breakthrough - non auto-maker Maps (Score 1) 194

What make and model? Why withhold these details?

Many modern Japanese cars offer MirrorLink support so you can use your phone for navigation. For a long time some have offered two double DIN slots (older Nissans for example) and I can't think of any that integrate AC control into the head unit. I've been looking at new Japanese cars myself recently so I'm keen to know which one has this deficiency.

Comment Re:City within a Building (Score 0) 98

We tried a simplified version in the 60s with tower blocks. Shops at the bottom, flats on top, all the amenities anyone would need within walking distance. They quickly turned into ghettos where no-one wanted to live. Turns out that for a successful community you need space, diversity and people travelling around to interact with outsiders. Otherwise it turns into a medieval village pretty quickly.

Comment Re:china has smog, so its clearly chinas fault. (Score 0) 158

You may be productive but your houses suck. They are poorly insulated and you waste a lot of energy heating and cooling them. Compare them to German homes that need only a fraction of the energy to maintain a pleasant environment.

The reason for this is that the US hates socialism. Germany mandated that new homes are well insulated and low energy, and provided improvements at little or no cost to existing ones. In the US such things are expensive extras and since energy is extremely cheap most people don't seem to care about them much.

Comment Re:Wut? (Score 2) 158

Just do what the EU did and demand better quality. We introduced RoHS for a reason, and now are looking at ways to make manufacturing cleaner in China too. They need to sell to us, we are massive market (bigger than the US) so what we say they have to abide by. If we say only so much CO2 and PM2.5 per product they have no choice but to clean up and meet those requirements.

Just to be clear, RoHS wasn't just about protecting us from harmful stuff, it was about eliminating it from the manufacturing process and from recycling/landfill (which also often happens in China).

In the end prices haven't really gone up due to it, they just fell at a slightly lower rate. Very slightly lower.

Comment Re:Not far enough. (Score 0, Flamebait) 140

It's amazing how many people seem to think they can assault people and damage property without consequences. All that will happen is you will be arrested and hauled before a judge, and the glasshole will buy a new pair with the money you were forced to pay them in restitution. No-one will applaud you, they will just be shocked that you are such a violent asshole and hope you never come back.

Comment Re:The difference... (Score 1) 140

Science will never be able to play back memory because it doesn't work like video. It works by association. When you remember seeing that car it's actually just a reference that says something like "blue sedan, modern shape" and your brain fills that in. If you like Subaru's modern shape it will tend to look more like a Subaru if the memory is positive, or more like a crappy Ford if it's negative.

The thing is we already reached the point where almost everything that happens in public is on tape somewhere, all Glass and mobile phones are doing is making it easier to access the recording and upload it to YouTube.

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