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Comment Someone at volvo is an idiot (Score 1) 392

Of all the features to make optional, "pedestrian detection" is not one of them.

Either include that in the auto parking feature or do not include an auto parking feature.

Really... these auto driving features are premature in most cases. People need to take responsibility for what their own cars do and not fob it off on dubious auto pilot systems.

That said, I don't even like automatic transmissions... I'm convinced that they're responsible for stop and go traffic. People with manual transmissions do not accelerate and then jam on the breaks over and over and over again. Instead, the whole highway keeps a consistent speed.

it is why in such traffic I get behind the biggest semi I can find. That semi is NOT accelerating and stopping over and over again. That guy is going to go the average speed of traffic. I get behind him... and an otherwise stressful drive becomes quite peaceful.

When we have fully automated cars, I think it might get better just because I'm convinced that most issues on the roads are caused by fucktard drivers. And maybe the robots will be less stupid. But who knows.

Comment Re:wha (Score 3, Insightful) 445

And - in response to the inevitable follow-up comment "give me an example" - you are more than capable of finding them on your own - there's no shortage.

No, give me an example. We can make this about my refusal to do your work for you, or we could make it about this alleged evidence you speak of.

Comment Re:Missing the key point (Score 1) 421

"Try solving the Travelling salespeople problem twice as big with merely twice as fast hardware, it will slow to a grinch."

Yes, but solving it with twice as much of something that scales the same way (logarithmically), and its fine. You know, like doubling the number of "neurons" in a neural net. "We know the substrate of brain power, gray cells"

No, we really, really don't. That's like saying we know computers because we know silicon. But none-the-less, more "silicon" processors==more computing power, and more neurons==logarithmically or exponentially more computing power. Of course, that is when they are concerned with thinking, rather than coordinating the movement and processing sensory input from 450 cubic meters of flesh--a herculean task by animal measures.

Comment Re:More than PR (Score 1) 385

I think it's the other way around. Rand probably based her antagonists on people against her or she is against philosophically (i.e people like GP). So it's not that GP sounds like a Rand antagonist, but Rand antagonists sound like people like GP.

If A is like B, then B is like A.

Dagney meanwhile is Rand's author insert. Atlas Shrugged is basically Rand's fantasy of defeating her ideological opponents.

I quite agree. But I think the book serves a purpose past just expressing Ayn Rand's fantasies. For example, notice dbiii's obsessive focus on nobility despite obvious problems with the assertion. Ayn Rand caricatures such beliefs intentionally and unintentionally in Atlas Shrugged.

It's not the French Revolution any more. If your beliefs are so immature, silly, and ancient that a hack writer like Rand can accurately portray them 50 years ago, then maybe you need to up your game.

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