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Comment Re:Sling me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast (Score 3, Insightful) 112

people forget that the original pitch for cable-tv was that, because you paid a monthly fee, there would be no ads in the content

[Citation Needed] where does this meme come from?

The original pitch for cable TV in the 1950s was basically "we make the antenna work so you don't have to", especially for people who lived in an area where mountains obstructed the signal. Cable-only channels came much later, in the late '70s and early '80s when satellite TV happened. And they already had ads on them.

Comment Re:What bug? (Score 1) 196

My guess is that it can be used in certain numerical contexts, sort of like "No." ("number") in English. It can mean a quantity as in "n no x" (ippiki no neko), and maybe some other contexts. So something, probably an application, was coded to think of it as used in numerical contexts. The specific instance is about LaTeX, which is one of those ancient apps like emacs that is so old it had to create everything from scratch, so it's possibly specific to LaTeX or some port thereof.

Comment Re:not actually a movie but... (Score 1) 236

It's too bad they didn't renew it. It looked like season two would have gone in the direction of what was "over the wall". And it was also a good buddy-cop show with fun banter. Well at least it got a few more episodes shown than Firefly. I still need to re-watch it in the intended episode order. I think my favorite episode has to be the "smart house" episode, because it's a limited AI that's been corrupted by a malicious attacker.

Comment Re:Stopped at a GREEN traffic light. (Score 4, Informative) 549

I had to RTFA to find this out. It's hard to see because it's so far ahead of the Google car, but you can see little purple shapes on the other side of the intersection. Basically the next block was full due to heavy traffic (probably rush hour), and that driver stopped so as to not "block the box". Driver behind was not paying attention and failed to stop even with a large following distance.

Comment Re:Finally the problem is clear (Score 2) 549

Or the self-driving car in back could, you know, STOP before hitting the car in front of it. As for the car in front, even if there was enough gap to get up on the sidewalk, and the car didn't bottom out trying to do so, and it could rev up the curb in time to make a difference, and there was no pedestrian on the sidewalk to get run over (better to get rear-ended than to kill a pedestrian due to panic), the human in a properly stopped car at a red light would not be vigilantly looking back at every intersection for the one in a million chance of some moron about to run into him without even slowing down.

Comment The bums sure would! (Score 1) 654

For a while in the '00s, Austin TX tried doing free bus routes. It ended up being a place for the bums to hang out all day where there was air conditioning (summers usually get to 95F). They also had some free "Dillo" buses which looked like trolleys and ran around downtown, and they killed those, because of not enough riders. (I think those were open-windowed/doored like trolleys, so no air conditioning for the bums.)

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