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Comment Lab (Score 1) 445

IM works great, except when a tester wants to talk to you from the lab, where they don't have a personal machine. I don't travel, so there's no reason for the company to give me a phone. I'd rather there wasn't a compiled list of people's personal cell phone numbers for anything other than emergency on-call purposes.

Comment Re:Missing Option (Score 1) 525

Huh, we certainly don't get unlimited overtime. Though I think OT is authorized at the moment as we bust our butts to finish some changes for the new material release of our software. I assume "Beltway bandit" means people actually working around DC, which hardly applies to my location, in the midwest.

Comment Class of '95, Midwest US (Score 1) 632

My elementary school was pretty cutting edge - we had computers at all. They backed the wrong horse, however, as what we had to start with were TI 99-4/a computers. The idea was sound, but there weren't enough for an entire classroom, so it was a case of privileged students being given computer time as a reward for good work and/or behavior, which was then mostly spent on games. I think that they might have changed to something else by the time I left, but I don't remember whether it was Commodore, Atari or Apple, since I had unlimited access to similar machines at home. We had to take a keyboarding/word processing course in junior high; first, we learned to type on electric typewriters, and then learned word processing in MS Works. In high school, I had a programming class that was in qBasic on 286 machines. There was a theoretical follow on class that didn't have enough interest to happen that would have, I believe, been a Pascal class.

Comment Not a problem with them being geeks (Score 1) 278

There are several problems there, but I don't think I'd say any of them are because they're both programmers. 1) Romance within a team is fraught with peril 2) Er, she tried to two-time her boyfriend? She lied a lot? I'm female programmer (oh, shut up) and my ex-husband is a male programmer turned "entrepreneur" or small business owner. Our marriage didn't end because we had too much in common, it ended because of our differences, none of which had to do with work, but with differences in our fundamental goals for the future. I'm dating a man who has a degree in art, and we are together because of how well we relate together, not because "opposites attract" - I may be more left-brained than he is, but we are in no way opposites.

Comment Re:What kind of cloning? (Score 1) 350

I assumed it was the traditional bizarre SF choice of physically identical, or at least adult, and with full memories and picked A Parent. If I thought it was with a blank mind, I would go with either a pet or no one, as I think having a copy of my boyfriend, a parent, etc that was just an identical physical shell would be creepy beyond all belief.

Comment Re:Terry Pratchett (Score 1) 1130

Glad to know I'm not the only one - I read all of the Xanth books out (through Golem, I think) as a kid, and then moved on to his less humor based work, and then came to a grinding halt after some of the Mode books, Shade of the Tree and the second half of the Adept series made me seriously question the morals of the person I was reading. Particularly mortifying given his apparent attitudes toward teenage girls while I _was_ a teenage girl. Ick.

Comment Attentive boyfriend = many phone minutes (Score 1, Interesting) 126

No, not me, the guy that I'm dating. Our days do not overlap overly much - I have a standard daytime programming job, he works second shift. So he calls me every day while he's driving in to work, while he's driving to pick up a client and calls me during his drive to my place (all on a blue tooth headset for those concerned about cell phone laws or his safety). Oh, and if he has a chance, since his co-workers take smoke breaks, he takes an evening Call-the-Girlfriend break. So, before we were dating, I probably talked less than ten minutes on an average day, with occasional spikes from talking to the parents. Now, I'm over an hour every day. It certainly was enough to make the boyfriend switch his cell provider so that our calls don't count towards minutes!

Comment Re:Well I say (Score 1) 1069

I can safely say that's not true in Dragon Age, in which there are romantic options for male-female, female-female and male-male choices - there are four romantic choices, Alistair the hetero male, Morrigan the hetero female, Zevran the bi male and Leliana the bi female. I believe that Mass Effect has similar options, even if the videos they chose to promote would suggest otherwise.

Comment As a Female Geek (Score 4, Interesting) 181

Anne was one of the first female authors that I managed to find in the SF&F field. She was one of the first authors I read that had really great, strong female characters. She helped teach me that you don't have to be a man to be smart, strong, successful, that you don't have to be a man to be a hero. Her fiction helped shape my perspective, along with authors like Andre Norton and eventually (scoff if you will) Mercedes Lackey. Thank you, Anne McCaffrey.

Comment Technically, my ex-husband's business (Score 1) 252

It wasn't a software house - it was a laser engraving business, doing custom work for businesses and individuals, and then also catering to the roleplaying gamer market. He frequently said (well, says, I imagine) that owning your own business is the second most over-rated thing in the world. The number one most over-rated thing being natural childbirth.
Hardware Hacking

Building a Telegraph Using Only Stone Age Materials 238

MMBK writes "It's the ultimate salvagepunk experiment, building a telegraph out of things found in the woods. From the article: 'During the summer of 2009, artist Jamie O’Shea of the organization Substitute Materials set out to test whether or not electronic communication could have been built at any time in history with the proper knowledge, and with only tools and materials found in the wilderness of New Jersey.'"

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