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Comment Re:Oh (Score 1) 28

Pre-judging you? Only of being human, sir.

You prejudge me on a lot more than that. A large portion of your messages are dedicated to what you assume to be true about me, and many messages that come after them are dedicated to either you trying to hold to those assumptions in spite of reality or trying to set up little "gotchas" in the hopes of finding flimsy support for your assumptions.

In fact it is rare that you write a comment about me or in reply to me that does not prejudge me.

Comment Re:Another great Scalia line (Score 1) 1083

That doesn't indicate that Lieberman was gunning for Iraq ahead of time. He was just looking for self-preservation, and knew that being the first to jump up and declare support would be good for that. You seem to be perhaps a little hazy in your memory of what unfolded in that time period, but some of us recall how the GOP used 9/11 as a way to initiate a witch hunt against anyone who didn't support every last foolish quest they asked for.

Lierberman is far from perfect, but what you cited does not support your argument as well as you wish it to, either.

Comment Re:Another great Scalia line (Score 1) 1083

he has never given indication of himself being a war-mongerer...

Picking Lieberman for VP says otherwise.

I'm not particularly a fan of Lieberman, but I don't recall hearing anything of him having held a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein either. If you have a reference to show that Lieberman was hankering specifically for a war with Iraq, please share.

On top of that, the Bush Jr. Administration set a new precedent for VP involvement - really more like VP dictation - of policy. Was there a reason to expect that Lieberman would have been driving the ship similarly? By contrast I haven't heard anyone claim that Biden is in control currently at 1600 Pennsylvania.

Comment Re:Oh (Score 1) 28

You wandered away from the Official Narrative, there smitty. We all know it's about marrying a box turtle. I won't tell anyone about your faux pas, but you might end up in a re-education camp regardless.

Though even if you are moving up into warm-blooded vertebrates, you are still placing a homosexual human as being of equal worth to a horse. Perhaps the important question to ask then is whether you see a horse as being worth more or less than 3/5ths of a hetersexual human.

And the kevlar kandidate is not my governor. I believe I told you that before.

Comment Re:Another great Scalia line (Score 1) 1083

Gore would have had the same information Bush, Senator Clinton and 99.9% of the house did - and voted to do it.

You are whitewashing history with that line. The information that was given to Bush was hand-picked to support an invasion of a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Some of those intelligence advisers were themselves hand-picked by the Bush administration. The Bush administration was furthermore willing to then take the shaky evidence - note that they were not afraid to take advice from someone code-named "curveball" by the CIA - and spin it to support their agenda.

Regardless of how much you hate Gore, he has never given indication of himself being a war-mongerer, nor did he have a personal score to settle with Saddam Hussein.

Comment Re:Another great Scalia line (Score 1) 1083

Could you imaging if that dumbass won?

I can imagine in. We would not have launched an unjustified invasion of a sovereign nation that cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives. Evidently that would have been a terrible thing?

No special skills, knowledge or anything else remarkable

Wait, which 2000 POTUS candidate are you talking about now?

Comment Re:Who is forcing Scalia to be on the SCOTUS? (Score 1) 1083

I understand that he is criticizing the rest of the court, and that he thinks that he is the smartest and most important man in the room. He has projected that arrogance for some time. At this point though he seems to have such disdain for the court that he seems to actually loathe the task assigned to him. Hence my point is that if it is that awful, he could just retire and go live somewhere else.

Comment Re:No filter is truly effective (Score 1) 269

But seriously what are the odds that I am friends with that hypothetical person, and they let me use their transcript for this completely ridiculous purpose?

Much better than the odds of you passing a statistics course. Similarly, very high are the odds of a serial liar such as yourself having such documentation around to try to "support" you fact-free argument.

And this conversation is now over.

So you are a failure and a liar. But you established that several comments ago. Have a nice weekend, kid. Maybe some day you'll learn enough to realize how foolish you made yourself look here.

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