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Comment Re:Call Sega about that one (Score 1) 11

Now that you mention it, I recall there was a Korean-made (and perhaps only Korean-sold) phone circa 10-15 years ago that did have a TV tuner built in. For that matter, Sprint has offered TV service on their mobile network for a while, but I'm pretty sure it uses their data network rather than taking in OTA signal directly. Here's a link to a Brazil-specific Samsung Galaxy SII smartphone with a built-in TV tuner (and retractable antenna).

Comment Re:I strongly suspect... (Score 1) 79

You failed to offer a source you'd accept.

No, I refuse to play along with your game of Move the Goalposts. Just because it is a favorite pastime of your political party doesn't mean I care for it.

You have not attempted to cite any sources beyond a crappy youtube video. Give me a print transcript from a decent source and I'll consider reading it. Conspiracy videos aren't worth my time, I can read faster than they can talk.

Do you have a comment on the issue that is not about a source?

I gave you many comments in my first reply to your first comment here. Rather unsurprisingly you did not respond to any of my points and comments. You are trying to scare people into thinking that a radical change that will never happen is imminent, and it just makes you look ridiculous. There are plenty of things wrong with the Obama administration, but an abundance of competence is not one of them - and would be required in order to pull off what you claim they are aiming to do. They have no method for bringing about this radical transformation, and your insistence otherwise does not change that.

But feel free to keep calling me names instead if that makes you feel better. I can't force you to do any of these things

  • Stop hurling silly insults at me
  • Read what I write here on slashdot
  • Read what any other intelligent person has said about the greatest corporate handout in the history of government
  • Read about the laughable absence of regulations on the health insurance industry
  • Read about the enormous power that the health insurance lobby wields over the US government

Comment Re:I strongly suspect... (Score 1) 79

The political garbage on youtube is just that ... political garbage. I'm surprised you didn't link to a ron paul video, as that is the political garbage that slashdot users link to most often.

But go ahead. Keep moving the goalposts and telling yourself that strategy will make you a winner. We've seen that work so very, very, well in the past couple decades.

The fact remains regardless that you are pushing a conspiracy that is rooted neither in present reality nor in a person who could bring about any kind of change. There was a 2-3 month window in which the democrats could have written, passed, and signed into law a bill for single payer health care. They dropped that opportunity miserably and there is no way for them to make it happen any time in the near future. Put down the kool-aid, celebrate the fact that you will likely die before the US has a single-payer system that is available for all, and walk away from the conspiracy theories for a while. There is a whole world out there that you are shutting out.

Comment Re:The private email serve is a problem. (Score 1) 26

You're on the wrong conspiracy, there. Smitty is still trying to get President Lawnchair thrown out early, and he's convinced himself that the GOP could run a ficus tree and defeat Hillary so there is no reason to fight against her campaign. Hence he doesn't care about her email, at least not while he's still busy trying to rally the troops to throw out Obama.

Comment Samzenpus, please take your politics elsewhere (Score 1) 760

Yeah, this article is guaranteed to excite slashdot's conservative base, but it isn't about technology in any meaningful way. We all know that no attempt to implement such a system in the US would be successful under the current political power structure. If you want to bitch about politics at least do so in a less obvious way.

Comment Re:I strongly suspect... (Score 1) 79

You posted a link to a conspiracy theory based on what one disconnected individual said that was taken and spun by your fellow conservatives. Tell me, what elected offices has Gruber ever hold? What gives him the ability to make any of that happen? Just because you have been led to believe that he wants to see the for-profit insurance system collapse doesn't mean he has any way to make it happen.

The Health Insurance Industry Bailout Act of 2010 - what you call "Obamacare", which in reality is the largest government -> corporate handout in the history of government - ultimately was a demonstration of the fact that the "liberals" in congress lacked the willpower to change the system even when they had the numbers to push through any system they wanted. The odds of them having that kind of power in DC again in the next decade or more is quite nearly zero, meaning we will never see a single-payer system in our country at the federal level for all Americans.

The fact that you so quickly brushed off everything else, and offered only a video clip instead, speaks volumes of how lacking in reality your claims are. Regardless you should take comfort in the fact that the system you prefer will be around for some time yet.

Comment Re:I strongly suspect... (Score 1) 79

The problem with all that is that the long term game is that the insurance companies get replaced by some single payer system.

A lot of people try to make that argument, but none can support it. There is absolutely no way in hell that a single payer system would pass at the federal level in the next decade, and that is being optimistic. The insurance industry is just too powerful; we currently have a POTUS who campaigned in support of single payer, and we ended up with a bill about as far from that as you can get. We had a slim chance back in 2009/2010 to try to make it happen but the insurance industry flexed their muscle and came to congress looking for return on their investment.

Part of the issue is that the insurance companies exist in an extremely regulated market.

That is pure malarkey. The insurance companies set the rules on their own, and now they have a lock on the American consumer. There are no meaningful regulations on the industry, only window dressings that they point to when complaining about how much "better" things would be with no regulations at all.

They are very vulnerable to intimidation by the government.

OK, you must be joking now. No sane person would be able to write that line with a straight face. The insurance industry owns most of congress - on both sides of the aisle. If they don't get what they want from their investment, they make sure that person doesn't win reelection. The mob never had it this good.

Comment Re:I strongly suspect... (Score 1) 79

Oh don't give us this self-righteous shit when you don't even bother to participate in elections. The last election you're willing to tell us you participated in, you claim to have voted for Nader. By your own logic, your vote for Nader was a vote in support of the Iraq War that GWB started as president. Can you defend that massive clusterfuck?

Comment Re:I strongly suspect... (Score 1) 79

You are trying to suggest that you may have voted in one presidential election in the past couple decades. That is not exactly participation, especially when the one election you claim to have participated in was that long ago. As the Captain said, you are sitting on the sideline jerking off and bragging about your ideas being superior just because it brings attention to you.

Comment Re:I strongly suspect... (Score 1) 79

The only Obama aspect of the bill is the timing. It was written by republicans, based on a bill that was passed by a republican governor years before. The GOP then walked away from it in the hopes of being able to prevent Obama from being able to sign a health care bill into law while president.

All they have to do in order to remove the Obama aspects from it is write the same bill and pass it under a different president. They clearly realize that, considering every "alternative" bill proposed so far has been exactly that.

Indeed either way congress will pay their masters.

Comment Re:I strongly suspect... (Score 1) 79

The bill - the largest corporate handout in the history of government - was the insurance industry collecting on their investment in the government. Notice that every "alternative" bill that has been proposed by a republican so far still has the insurance mandate in it, just worded differently to appear to be different from this one.

Journal Journal: If the supreme court kills the health care bill... 79

Would that mean that my health insurance company would no longer have an excuse to not offer the plan I was on last year? The greedy bastards used the Health Insurance Industry Bailout Act of 2010 as an excuse to stop offering a plan that cost me less from every angle than the one I have through them now.

Comment Re:M-16? (Score 1) 449

When the bakery opened, they were expected to be aware of the laws that apply to their business. The ACLU page you linked to specifically mentions a Colorado state law that

prohibits public accommodations, including businesses such as Masterpiece Cakeshop, from refusing service based on factors such as race, sex, marital status or sexual orientation.

Hence they were willingly and blatantly violating the law.

Comment Re:M-16? (Score 1) 449

Even so, companies break out of contracts all the time - why should that be any different?

Can you provide an example where it was any different? When companies break out of contracts they have penalties for doing so. From what I've seen it has been exactly the same as any other company breaking out of a contract.

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