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Comment Re:Autonomous Cars are Coming, Deal with It (Score 1) 113

Well, I know that 2/3 of the drivers in my neighborhood are idiots on the road (they may be great software engineers, but utter morons behind the wheel) I'm not terribly frightened by this technology. An autonomous vehicle that makes the wrong decision in 10% of situations will still be an improvement. I once saw one of my neighbor's kids BACKING UP on the freeway in rush hour traffic because he had missed his exit. I can pretty much guarantee that Hyundai's car won't do that.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 2) 94

People who never actually made any product do not fully understand how wide is the chasm between a product and good product. And that the chasm between a good product and great product is even much wider.

We do understand the concept sometimes as 80:20. The first 80% of a product takes about 20% of time to make and the remaining 20% takes 80% of the time. Well, making a good product is another 80:20 split and making a great product is yet another one if not more. So you really spend 25-30 times more time and effort on great product than on a simply working one.

Comment It's business, it's not even personal anymore (Score 0) 394

Seems like FB account is something that all businesses jumped onto. I read stats that show that 63% is the average participation on FB (for developed nations I suppose), that 56% people recommend products on FB, 64.2% skim recommendations, 38% conduct product research within 4 weeks of finding a product on FB, 27% are more likely to make a purchase because of FB recommendation.

Now look at it from business point of view, they know they have to be on this media to have those numbers apply to them.

Personally I don't have FB account, but a business seems to need one.

Comment Re:Simulation (Score 2) 113

Actually binary systems seem to be fairly common, about 16% of all asteroids have a moon. The advantage of attacking the moonlet is that they can get very exact measurements of the effect of the collision fairly quickly by measuring the change in its orbit.

BTW, "shooting stars" are generally about the size of a grain of sand. Good luck getting rid of all of those.

Comment Re:Christian Theocracy (Score 0) 1168

Then it follows from your comment that 99% of English speakers are spoon fed social justice theory that prevents them from understanding the most basic things.

Should a Jewish photographer be forced to take pictures at a Nazi party? Especially when in fact there are thousands of other photographers that will do it for you.

Should a black baker be forced to bake a KKK cake for the Klan meeting? Especially when in fact there are thousands of other bakers that will do it for you.

Should an atheist doctor be forced to perform brit milah (circumcision) on religious grounds? Especially when in fact there are thousands of other doctors that will do it for you.

Basically to find a single case of a business that will discriminate against whatever practice or religion or race one has to go very much out of their way.

I am sure that to make a story out of this (like a story of a cake maker that would not make cakes for some gay wedding or a story of a photographer that will not work at a gay wedding) one has to call up dozens if not hundreds of businesses out of Yellow Pages specifically looking to create a story out of nothing.

The zealot is you, the person who believes that if there is one business out there that will not serve you based on whatever prejudice that the business holds, it must be made illegal for that business to exist even though the rules of the market and competition ensure that you have dozens, hundreds, thousands of options.

Comment Re:Christian Theocracy (Score 0) 1168

You are wrong because you don't understand what a right is. You think you have a right to dictate to other people and to take their rights away to get your entitlements, you see rights as something that must be taken away from somebody else and given to you.

Rights are protections against government abuse, you can't have a moral society where some people use violence of the State to steal rights of others and give themselves entitlements they believe they have a 'right' to.

Your belief is a belief of somebody who wants to enslave others to himself and that is definitely immoral.

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