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Chinese Hackers Linked To Months-long Attack on Taiwanese Financial Sector ( 22

A hacking group affiliated with the Chinese government is believed to have carried out a months-long attack against Taiwan's financial sector by leveraging a vulnerability in a security software solution used by roughly 80% of all local financial organizations. From a report: The attacks are believed to have started at the end of November 2021 and were still taking place this month, according to a report shared with The Record today by Taiwanese security firm CyCraft. The company attributed the intrusions -- which it tracked under the codename of Operation Cache Panda -- to a well-known Chinese cyber-espionage group known in the cybersecurity industry as APT10. The security firm told The Record in an interview earlier today that it couldn't share the name of the product exploited in the current attacks because of the ongoing law enforcement investigation and because of the efforts to have a patch released and installed across the local financial sector.
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Chinese Hackers Linked To Months-long Attack on Taiwanese Financial Sector

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  • by XXongo ( 3986865 ) on Tuesday February 22, 2022 @01:02PM (#62292115) Homepage
    The mainland Chinese making clandestine attacks against Taiwan?

    This is completely unsurprising.

  • What? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Tuesday February 22, 2022 @01:35PM (#62292189)

    No, it couldn't be! Someone obviously made a mistake. I mean, it's not like a brutal dictator rules China and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. /s

    CCP shills: mod me down!

    • It Never ends well for them, because ultimately people are *self* interested, not interested in the welfare of fat, selfish oligarchs.
  • Government crackdowns on mainland tech companies have created a lot of jobless developers. It's a good employment program they're running but I hope they have a good work/life balance and not burning them out too fast. Better to burnout then take your fancy engineering degree and work on the factory floor.

"Laugh while you can, monkey-boy." -- Dr. Emilio Lizardo
