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Comment They always get you with the cheap intro rates. (Score 2) 114

Here in my area of the US, a residential class Starlink subscription would cost $90. A compatible 1 gigabit symmetrical fiber connection would cost $59 a month, assuming that you can get one in your neighborhood. If not, you'll probably end up paying similar price to Starlink for slower non-symmetrical Comcast cable connection once you add all their insane taxes and fees.

I'd imagine that the less developed countries are getting a much cheaper Starlink intro rate than we do to bring in business. Then they'll raise their rates once they have a solid customer base, just like most ISP's would.

Comment Re:"approved by NIST" (Score 3, Insightful) 32

It's probably going to be more like we paid an auditor to send us a form to fill out with basic security practice questions, and we then gave them the answers that they wanted to hear. Then they send us a certificate saying that we could put their logo on our product.

You know, it will be pretty much like every other SOC audit you've done before. Other than having to provide a few screenshots of some select cherry picked functions where the senior engineers actually did what they were supposed to do, there isn't any real third party verification. Nobody is going to let them dig into that crap back-end code that we outsourced to Bulgaria that's probably filled with security holes.

Comment Re:Silver lining to climate backtracking (Score 1) 155

Most major corporations weren't doing much meaningful work towards CO2 emissions reduction anyway, and were just posting the occasional greenwashing price to pretend that they gave a damn about the environment. Pretending that your product is "recyclable" while knowing that most recycling centers can't actually do so was a personal favorite of the packaged goods industries, for example.

Now that Trump is back in office, they don't even feel the need to bother with the frequent greenwashing statements anymore. Sure, they'll occasionally post something about helping the environment, but only when it also helps to improve profit margins doing something to reduce energy costs.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 26

This could actually be useful in games like Palworld, where you might need a build a raid party to take down some boss characters.

I don't want to give random people on the Internet access to my private world, because they'll probably steal stuff out of my bases. And my actual real live friends have no interest in this game, which kinda kills that option.

Comment Re:If you don't have enough free storage available (Score 1) 44

Considering how hard Apple has been pushing Apple Intelligence in their commercials, I can't imagine it remaining an optional download in iOS 19. They really want people sending those custom emojis to each other to boost interest in upgrading the older phones that can't support it.

Comment Re:Will go over real well... (Score 1) 41

"Work" is a relative term. You need both a TV, a Soundbar/Stereo, and a Streaming hardware platform that supports Dolby Atmos for this to work right. Then you need the various streaming services to support Dolby Atmos for your chosen platform, and THEN you finally need the content itself to support Atmos.

Because of all these requirements, maybe 10% of the content that you watch will actually be in Atmos when you try to watch it. If the content is more than 5 years old, it's practically guaranteed NOT to support it. With brand new content, maybe it's 50/50 depending on the streaming service?

I'm sure that adding a third competing spacial audio platform along with Atmos and DTS-X isn't going to help adoption.

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