What's crazy is that Apple is sitting on fucking mountains of money (they have massive actual cash reserves, not just liquid investments) and they can afford to be serious and do things right — which pays dividends not just in the product you're working on shipping now, but also in the future due to your reputation.
You just stabbed your own argument in the heart, dumbass.
That's precisely why they aren't letting the Marketing Department's MBAs Dictate the Siri Team's multidisciplinary Engineers' ridiculously-difficult Project's actual Release Date!
It's called Research AND Development; and there is a shitpotfull of both still to be done on this Project to even approach "right".
Unfortunately, the Siri Team doesn't get to write the Keynote Addresses nor the Advertising Copy. . .
You can have it "Fast", or "Good". Apple is Choosing "Good". In this case, the usual third "criteria", "Cheap", doesn't matter; because you can't buy "Fast". . . Hence Apple's "Mountains of Money" simply can't cause the Universe to shit a bunch more competent, multidisciplanary Engineers, no matter what!
Kudos to Apple for still being a Technology-Driven Company, who sides with their Expert Engineers rather than their "Promise The World" Marketeers!