But here's the problem: PROOF that Apple is doing this. So far, all we see is Anecdotes. TFS even states that no actual PROOF exists.
And as I have said many times: SOMEBODY would have caught their iPhone streaming data to SOME IP when the phone was supposedly "just sitting there"; but they have not. After 10 years of this BULLSHIT, all we have are Anecdotes. Your cited Ars Technica Article points this glaring evidentiary insufficiency out quite succinctly, to wit:
Before Cox Media Group sent its statement, though, CMG's claims of collecting data on "casual conversations in real-time," as its blog stated, were questionable. CMG never explained how our devices would somehow be able to garner the computing and networking power necessary to record and send every conversation spoken within the device's range in "real-time," unbeknownst to the device's owner. The firm also never explained how it acquired the type of access that requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant. This is despite CMG's blog claiming that with Active Listening, advertisers would be able to know "the second someone in your area is concerned about mold in their closet," for example."
If the Class had any Direct Evidence of Apple doing this, they would have offered it; but all they have is speculation and anecdotes.
And Apple's Deep Pockets. . .