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Comment Re:legit question... (Score 1) 178

Nice try. Also from your sources:

Out of date operating system (OS) versions, especially on iOS devices, can leave a device and the data on it vulnerable to known and unknown exploits.

Yeah; I realized after I included that source that they were trying to sell malware protection.

Not such a reliable source, methinks.

iOS devices are more exposed to phishing and web content threats than Android

iOS is at Greater Risk

Comment Re:Reality Distortion Field (Score 1) 32

It isn't false advertising to delay a feature or product. Quite the opposite in fact, the lawsuit is claiming the software that they do not have differs from the description.

The product wasn't delayed. That is the point. AI was advertised as launch feature of the latest iPhone and it wasn't.

Notice how they didn't claim in the suit apple is not accepting returns? That's because they do.

That's not relevant in a deceptive advertising claim.

That's why this suit will get thrown out.

No. Your lack of understanding of how the legal system works is why you *think* this suit will get thrown out.

AI was NOT "announced as a launch feature" of the iPhone 16 line.

It was always going to be added after the iPhone 16's Product Launch.

Near the end of this WWDC 2024 excerpt, Craig Federighi only states that Apple intelligence will be coming to iOS 18 "Later this year."

Doesn't sound like a "launch day committment" to me. . .

Further evidence:

And actually, Apple has quietly been adding AI features to iOS for a long time:

Comment Re:legit question... (Score 1) 178

You have an interesting interpretation of "quite low."

From your first source:

A total of 1.1 million malicious and potentially unwanted installation packages were detected, almost 69,000 of which associated with mobile banking Trojans.

From your second source:

106,000 Malicious apps detected on enterprise devices in Q3 2024

In both cases, these are instances where malware was detected that was already installed on devices, i.e., made it past all of Apple or Google's "screenings."

Those numbers were made up almost exclusively of ANDROID malware instances.

Learn to read.

Comment Re:legit question... (Score 1) 178

As for the App evaluation process itself, I've been through this process multiple times. It's a joke. Full stop. Decisions are arbitrary and superficial. They don't do any real analysis of the app or its safety and security.

Riiight. . .

That's why the actual number of times that actual, steal-your-credentials-level malware has actually made it onto any of Apple's App Stores remains quite low.

e.g. :

Comment Re:legit question... (Score 1) 178

The only reason there's a 15% tier is because of pressure from regulators. It was 30% for everybody. And 15% is still exorbitant. Shopify's fees, for example, are less than 3%.

It hasn't been 30% for everybody for several years, now.

I have no idea what Shopify even does for its Vendors; but I can guarantee it doesn't amount to shit compared to the Resources Apple dedicates to Developers.

Comment Re:Stock Price (Score 1) 67

At the height of AI mania people were selling $AAPL because they had "no clear AI strategy".

At the same time they probably don't want to release something that will be mocked for its errors.

So they preannounced to save their market reputation but now suffer user reputation.

But Tim Apple's job is only to make the users happy to the extent that it makes the shareholders happy.

In his position (which I have assiduously avoided) I would probably do the same thing.

He is being pressed to release technology that doesn't exist yet.

And thank $DIETY$ that MBA Tim Cook is actually siding with his Engineers instead of his buddies in Marketing that actually "speak his language".

That's an important mark of Great Management. . .

Comment Re:Bound to happen (Score 1) 67

The founders are no longer there. the original talent that cares about the consumer experience and the product have left.

Apple, Inc. is about two weeks from being Forty-Nine Years Old!!!

Just how many of the people you know have stayed at the same Company, or even worked at all, for that much time?

Off the top of my head: Phil Schiller is not Original; but he's been there for Decades. Wendell Sander had a single-digit Employee Number, and he just Retired a couple of years ago to take care of his ailing wife.

I am sure there are others.

But WTF is the point?!? No Company can EVER "Pass The Torch"???

Get real.

Comment Re:Completely wrong conclusion (Score 1) 67

What's crazy is that Apple is sitting on fucking mountains of money (they have massive actual cash reserves, not just liquid investments) and they can afford to be serious and do things right — which pays dividends not just in the product you're working on shipping now, but also in the future due to your reputation.

You just stabbed your own argument in the heart, dumbass.

That's precisely why they aren't letting the Marketing Department's MBAs Dictate the Siri Team's multidisciplinary Engineers' ridiculously-difficult Project's actual Release Date!

It's called Research AND Development; and there is a shitpotfull of both still to be done on this Project to even approach "right".

Unfortunately, the Siri Team doesn't get to write the Keynote Addresses nor the Advertising Copy. . .

You can have it "Fast", or "Good". Apple is Choosing "Good". In this case, the usual third "criteria", "Cheap", doesn't matter; because you can't buy "Fast". . . Hence Apple's "Mountains of Money" simply can't cause the Universe to shit a bunch more competent, multidisciplanary Engineers, no matter what!

Kudos to Apple for still being a Technology-Driven Company, who sides with their Expert Engineers rather than their "Promise The World" Marketeers!

Comment Re:Completely wrong conclusion (Score 1) 67

That doesn't make a lot of sense. He absolutely succeeded because of his managerial style. Those that followed didn't succeed in the same way because they didn't cover all of the same territory. Although to be fair, calling Apple's trajectory since his passing is pretty suspect... by any metric they've been wildly successful. All of the perceived gaps are soft ones, basically opinion. Every company would love to have "failed" like Apple has.


Apple, Inc: Proudly Failing for Nearly Half a Century!

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