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Comment Re:Not just Americans, immigrant Americans (Score 1) 101

Refugees were excluded from the travel ban. As is being shown with now with terrorist groups such as Hamas there are plenty of student who have direct ties with them and were allowed in. You already have some of them being arrested for attacks here in the USA and some have performed attacks design against civilians.

Comment Re:eat a rig? (Score 2) 28

The shark species in question. I had to read the article itself to make it clear. Rig shark. Apparently eats crustaceans, so has flattened hard teeth to better crack their shells. Not very big.
Apparently, they make some noise by clacking their teeth together. Supposedly the first sounds sharks have been captured making.
There's even question as to whether the sharks can even hear the sounds, what, if any, purpose it might have. Generally scientists assume anything sharks do has a purpose, because they've evolved for so long and become very optimized.

Personally, I think it might just amount to accidental clicking from the shark moving its jaws for whatever reason.

Comment Re:Not just Americans, immigrant Americans (Score 1) 101

So your claim is that because he banned Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen he is obviously against legal immigrants. Even though it was not a total ban since there were a bunch of exceptions to who could come in legally.
Name a single country there that should not be blocked.

Comment Re:Pretty interesting editing out of the summary (Score 1) 101

Looking at the Peace Prize alone, going back to 1990 before I got tired:
Iran, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Philippines, Ethiopia, Iraq, DRC (Congo), Colombia, Tunisia, Pakistan, India, Yemen, Liberia, China, Bangladesh, Egypt, Kenya, Ghana, South Korea, East Timor, Palestine, South Africa, Guatemala, Soviet Union (1990).
Obama was the last US winner in 2009.
The trick with the other prizes in things like science is that it requires the country be doing bleeding edge science to win. While hitting the news enough to impress the judges (in Europe).
We'll probably start seeing more winners in China, for example.
I wonder if we examined the winners and looked at their country of origin, not of citizenship or residence at the time of the award, if things would change?

Comment Re:Who wins? (Score 1) 101

There have been peace prize winners far worse than him. Even Obama was a bit embarrassed by the win.
Yassar Arafat, for example. Al Gore.
Apparently, the entire EU won in 2012. Well, not starting WWIII in over 60 years counts for something, I guess.
In a few more years they might nominate Putin.

Comment Re:How about subversion? (Score 5, Informative) 64

This is actually being done for AI focused crawling. Feed the bot with script/AI generated nonsense after directing it into a honeypot directory or such. We actually had an article about it last week.
Found it - Cloudflare Turns AI Against Itself With Endless Maze of Irrelevant Facts

Comment Re:This. All of this. (Score 3, Interesting) 268

I have to agree. I have a GE oven that I connected to try out.

It's supposed to allow you to easily program cooking stuff into, but it's so awkward to do that it is drastically faster to just do it the old fashioned way.

And really, how many people these days are going to put a roast or whatever in the oven, let it sit at room temperature for ~5 hours, then start it around lunchtime from work to be done when they get home?
That's what a slow cooker or similar is for. Not letting something sit at a potentially dangerous temperature for hours.
Same deal with a dishwasher. If I trust the kids to load it, I trust them to start it. Once I have it loaded and ready to go, I see no need to delay the start of washing.

I could see a fridge having a temperature activated alarm that could alert you that it's getting or got too warm because the power went out (so how is it connecting?) or the door was left open or similar.

But beyond that, really?

Comment I've seen worse (Score 4, Interesting) 128

Back when I was in college we covered the Peoplesoft SAP program for Anchorage, Alaska.
While smaller, it still managed to be worse in most metrics:
1. Managed to cost $81M over the $10M estimate - 810% over budget rather than 780%
2. Lasted 10 years, rather than 8
3. Code review (at a cost of around $1M to have an independent org do it) while I was in college came back and told the Mayor basically "It'd be cheaper to throw it all out and start fresh."
4. Cost like $20M more settling all the wrong/missed payment claims by employees.

Comment Re:Too speculative to be meaningful (Score 1) 205

It is indeed possible that he has caught multiple versions. It's also likely that he doesn't have the greatest immune system at this point. But the guy is seriously unlucky when it comes to this.

I'm also vaccinated, probably missed/behind a strain, but I've never had a noticeable/tested case of COVID.

Comment Re:Too speculative to be meaningful (Score 1) 205

Actually, a lot of vaccines give immunity - I'm not sure what you mean by "sterilising immunity", but even the COVID shots make around 50% of people do not develop a noticeable/testable case of COVID, at least against that strain.

MMR is 94 to 97% at providing full immunity against measles - IE having no noticeable case of the disease after vaccination. Even if you DO get it, it's normally what they call a "breakthrough" case because you got doused with so much virus that it managed to get through, but even then it tends to be a very mild and short version of the disease. It's 97% effective against rubella with 1 shot, the CDC doesn't list an increased effectiveness against it with 2. I'm guessing 97% is "good enough".
Most vaccines aren't quite this effective. MMR is only 72% effective against Mumps with 1 shot, 86% with two.
I figure that they want 2 shots because we're seeing is a combination of 72% not being good enough against mumps, and 93% being not good enough against measles, because measles is hellaciously infective.

And yes, for COVID, I remember when it first came out, the vaccinations were only like 50% effective at stopping the illness, but it dropped hospitalization by 90% and death by 99%. The people who still died from it despite being vaccinated were generally those with serious comorbid conditions, like Colin Powell having multiple myeloma and thus a seriously weakened immune system. They aren't even willing to say that his death was primarily due to COVID, just "complications from"

Comment Re:Too speculative to be meaningful (Score 3, Interesting) 205

I have an uncle who has had covid five times, before and after vaccination.
Only good thing he's noticed about the vaccine is that the covid he catches after is a lot milder than if he hasn't had a recent shot.
Covid is hard to vaccinate against, and immunity seems to be temporary, whether it be a vaccine or infection.

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