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User Journal

Journal Journal: "most weakest"

About 1,450 results

Who would have thought


User Journal

Journal Journal: Yelken OCTURI 1

Rare occasion that I post a link these days.


User Journal

Journal Journal: The End of the Desktop 3

More or less accidentially, I dist-upgraded LMDE to find GNOME3 which I until now avoided (like Unity, for that matter).

Oh, I wish I had switched on my brain before upgrading.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Technical Evangelist 4

This made my day today at around 10:30 a.m. !

Read this for the first time, and it seems to be an MS job title.



User Journal

Journal Journal: Disapprove the US!

Lately. I more and more get the feeling that it is time that the world gets a grip and disapproves what commonly is known as 'US Leadership'.

We do not need you !

User Journal

Journal Journal: Astonishing ... 3

By accident, I stumbled across this one: "This section needs references that appear in reliable third-party publications. Primary sources or sources affiliated with the subject are generally not sufficient for a Wikipedia article. Please add more appropriate citations from reliable sources."

Yes, historians should now refrain from digging for primary sources.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Moderation ... 3

... would be improved if one (all) would know who assessed what how.


Journal Journal: Pronunciation of SuSE


IPA (International Spelling Alphabet): zu:z[e rotated mathematically positively by 180 deg.]

Me is a native German speaker.

No need to remember this anyway, the distro will disappear.


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