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Comment Re:(4 day x 10 hour), or (4 day * 9 + 5th day * 4) (Score 1) 390

Many countries have trialled 4 day weeks and found if anything it increased productivity. Your suggested 4 day 10 hour shifts are common too and have been for years. Most grown up economies allow workers to choose work patterns that work for them as long as it doesn't adversely impact the job. I'm left pretty much to my own devices as to whether I work in the office or at home and what hours. If I need a few hours off for something, I do that then catch up in the evening. Works for everyone.

Comment Re:Elite's BBC computer trick (Score 1) 69

Elite was great but that was hardly unknown back then. The Atari 800 (1979) had display lists (and later Amiga with Copper Lists) that allowed you to change graphics mode or colours on any scan line, hence so many Atari games having scrolling rainbows from top to bottom. You could also define different scrolling regions via display lists so different sections of the screen scrolled in different directions.

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