Unfortunately, the Justice system somehow acquired an heir of respectability that it doesn't deserve. Partisan politics play a strong role in rulings. Therefore, people will complain when the system produces what seems to be a biased result. The only way to really judge the judges in these cases is to compare their rulings with the Constitution and applicable laws.
In this case, it is very clear that Google is selectively targeting political emails from Republicans. I interact semi-regularly with politicians from both parties. Invariably, after some initial communication, I see communications from them. Some are "updates", most are brief panic blurts meant to trigger donations, with very explicit requests to donate now because the world will come to an end if I don't.
There is literally not a speck of difference between these items, except for one: the Republican missives are almost always marked as spam. More than 90% of them. The Democrat ones? Haven't seen them in the spam folder yet. Note that if I get these communications via a third party commercial mail host other than Google, used for business, with excellent spam filtration and basically zero spam entering my inbox, I receive the communications from both groups to my inbox.
Here is the brief version of "show original version" from a recent "flagged as spam" email from a Republican interest:
Message ID
Created at: Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 2:04 PM (Delivered after 6 seconds)
From: "Donald J. Trump"
Subject: I asked my team to flag your response
SPF: PASS with IP Learn more
DKIM: 'PASS' with domain republican-updates.com Learn more
DMARC: 'PASS' Learn more
Note that all of the recommended spam prevention features are set up on the sending server. There are two working unsubscribe links in the email. This particular one asks you to take a survey. Assuredly, after the survey will come a plea for money. This is just one sort of tactic. Both parties are all over the map with different methods meant to hook different personality types.
Face it, a Biden appointed judge doesn't want Republican emails delivered to constituents/donors. There is no reasonable person, looking at the plain and clear evidence, who could come to the conclusion that this was not willful interference with political communication, which was opted in. Oh, and another little detail? I always click the "not spam" button. Yet they keep going into my spam folder. For years. And years. I have clicked the "not spam" button for these thousands of times. I never had to click it for the DNC ones.