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Comment Re:great (Score 1) 80

"just for funsies I bought a $300 hip-hop shirt that makes me look like a drunken generalissimo's white cousin for about $20 in the basement of a department store in Panama City."

This may be the greatest line I have ever seen on Slashdot.
I don't always agree with your posts, but thank you for everything that you do!

Comment Re:WTF, shasldot editors? (Score 1) 149

In defense of MeWe.com, I don't see any reference to popularity among conservatives until well into the history of the site on Wikipedia. On the site itself I don't see much more politically slanted commentary than I do on thefacebook. I use MeWe regularly, and there are some really great groups: watercolor artists, guinea pig aficionados, motorcyclists, and some really good linux/tech groups.

Comment Re:THANK YOU for that warning about AT&T (Score 1) 27

I was a happy AT&T customer with my Blackberry Key2, until last August when they kicked my phone off their network. Even though it had all the right compatibility to keep going, and even though it had worked just fine up to that point. They insisted there was nothing they could do.

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Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (10) Sorry, but that's too useful.
