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Comment Re:Concrete is a major source of CO2 (Score 1) 67

Yes, but you need vastly more of it for other kinds of power generation facilities, and we also have new types of concrete which actually fix CO2 instead of emitting it which we will be able to use in the future. Of course that will help a lot with the other kinds of generation as well, but wind is still far out ahead. We also have recyclable turbine blades now.

Comment Re: No surprise (Score 1) 67

So the WTO is a joke is what I'm hearing.

Kind of like the UN, where the UNSC members can do whatever they want and everyone else can go hang. Whatever they want to do amongst themselves is more or less fine, unless it conflicts with what the big boys want, in which case fuck off.

Essentially, there is not and never has been such a thing as the rule of law, and any suggestion otherwise is a farce.

Comment Re: Do you think saying that will advance your goa (Score 2) 68

"What exactly are you hoping to accomplish by throwing insult soup at Republicans on a website where most commenters skew left anyway?"

It's been a long time since that was true. The Reich wing low information boot lickers post here just as much as anyone now. I find that moderation is still slightly in favor of reality based comments, but only slightly.

Comment Re: it doesn't work like that (Score 1) 258

We need a trump vaccine. One that works, not the Constitution, which apparently doesn't.

But the vaccines were not Trump's accomplishment. He reduced testing requirements as he was asked to do, as any president would have. But he ordered ZERO doses up front, which means he applied ZERO dollars to the problem. Dolly Parton literally did more to promote a vaccine than Trump did.

Comment Re: Trump revisionism (Score 2) 258

You still don't understand that having more infected people come into the country faster meant a faster spread, so no. There is no chance that people will understand how this works.

Comment Re: Trump revisionism (Score 1) 258

No, he fucking well did not.

Trump prohibited FOREIGN NATIONALS from coming into the country from SOME COUNTRIES. He did NOT close the border, ever.

You traitors have only lies to work with, and we can all see them.

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