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Comment Re: People Don't Want to Move to China (Score 1) 105

China is very racist, but most people there are not racist towards Europeans.

The more time goes by and the more shit happens the more I believe that most people in most places are racist. The difference is degree, not the fact itself. Racism was baked into institutions by racists intentionally, to preserve their privileges, after inventing and implementing racism made them privileged.

Comment Re: People Don't Want to Move to China (Score 1) 105

Don't forget that we're also attacking people's Teslas while they're driving down the road now.

Many people are saying that Elon is having his own vehicles attacked so that Trump can justify martial law.

I don't know if it's true, but if Fox news can report on what "many people are saying" then so can we

Comment Re:COVID-19 would go away tomorrow (Score 1) 201

To be more specific your comment was "you wonder why everyone hates you" or something very near that. I was probably commenting about CEO's or something like that, and you didn't like whatever I wrote. I started to look it up in your posting history, but like me, you post a lot.

Yes, finding anything on this site has become a total shitshow since the enshittification of google. To be fair, the root cause is that the site search is itself absolute shit, can't really blame google. Once upon a time, paying for a subscription supposedly got you access to your full posting history, but how would you find anything in it anyway?

Anyway, absent context, I'm going to have to rate that claim Fb. I do not actually hate anyone on this site. I think I probably have the most contempt for cayenne8, and I don't even hate him. I am way beyond tired of his willfully ignorant leading question bullshit, though. It was nice that he didn't post here for a while.

Comment Re:Meanwhile the opposite is happening in the USA (Score 3, Insightful) 105

If we ever get into a war with China, they stand a chance of beating us (i.e. being conquered) because they have the engineering prowess to come up with tech which we don't have.

That's not even the big concern. As the war in Ukraine shows, future wars will be fought with drones. Now, who's got the manufacturing capacity to make the most drones? China could simply spam anyone with them, even if they are 1/10 as effective as anyone else's they will still have numerical superiority in the end. WWII proved that manufacturing capacity was one of the most important factors in warfare, and we threw much of ours away. We kept the ability to make the big industrial stuff (although with what's going on with Boeing, even that is now questionable) but future wars will be fought with toy technology. The drones being used by Russia and Ukraine are really not different from hobby examples, except for what equipment is added to them. China is the primary source of all that stuff.

Comment Re:Of course it did. (Score 1) 49

It was very forward thinking of Jobs to adopt the PowerPC processor.

It wasn't, because it was a limiting factor. When they got a big piece of the market, they ran into the problem of not being able to get enough chips, and they had to switch to something else. It would have been forward thinking of him to go to Intel sooner.

What this does demonstrate is how important floating point performance is

What this demonstrates is how important vector math is these days. That's what altivec is, a vector unit. It's in the name!

Comment Re:A fool and their money... (Score 1) 46

My Facebook account stays disabled for the foreseeable future. The mental health gains far outweighed the risk of brain damage from those ads.

uBlock Origin + FB Purity "solves" the facebook ad problem. Every few months they make a change that FB Purity doesn't keep up with and sponsored posts crawl back into your feed for two or three days, then it gets updated and everything is fine again. Also, accessing Feceboot with the right options gets you the content that you actually want to see. I still don't have it well tamed on mobile (where I use the browser and not the app because anyone who trusts their app is a dumb fuck) where I do still see sponsored content, but on desktop it's fine.

Comment Re:COVID-19 would go away tomorrow (Score 1) 201

Plague, while many people believe it is one thing and one only, which is a yersinia pestis infection, is only one version of a plague. A plague is according to the dictionary - A highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease, or a pestilence.

The common colloquial use is that "a plague" and "plague" or "the plague" are different things.

the weird thing is that you hate me - as you've said

When did I say that? Genuinely don't remember that.

Comment Re: I know, right? (Score 1) 80

Hopefully, most people are doing something other than only paperwork. But there are clerical staff supporting many if not most government organizations of almost any size, because there is too much paperwork to be done without them. It's not unusual to have there be a part of the process where some workers simply request other workers send correspondence for them, and those same workers or others in the same (or a nearby) department will file paperwork for them.

I honestly do think you could reasonably eliminate a ton of government jobs with a simple policy change, but it is an unfortunately unlikely one; institute a UBI tied to the cost of living (arguing over which metric to choose is not the point ATM) in the form of social security expansion, and give it out to everyone. Then you reduce eligibility to determining whether or not people are deceased, and whether or not they are who they say they are. Isn't that stuff that most people (let alone most authoritarians) believe the government should be on top of anyway? If you also actually increased it to meet the cost of living in the process, you could probably also eliminate SNAP, and keep only WIC. Then people will have income with which to buy stuff, and the whole charade can continue marching into the sunset without the parade of the guillotines.

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