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Comment Re:who would use it? (Score 0) 216

> if there is a button that people have to push to send the report, they will happily push it.

I'd happily slam that button everytime someone overtakes me in the town. Especially around school. Speed limits are for a reason - if you disagree with a limit in specific place, take it to your representative. There is no excuse to endanger other road users.

Comment Re:Too little too late (Score 1) 43

Same here. I moved to Microsoft after Google started sending threatening reminders. I do have to pay up but they provide service which has more value for a family (unlike G-Suite which was geared towards small/medium businesses). No regrets. With amount of storage I got in the family plan I was able to ditch AWS S3 as a backup solution.

Comment Re:Andrew Yang is a nutjob (Score 1) 196

Of course it will work. Just not as advertised. Any form of "free money" to everyone will have only one results: all prices will rise. This gives the government a tool to keep control over a citizen. If someone falls outside of the system, they won't be able to satisfy even most basic needs. It's like chinese social score system, but with money instead of points.

Comment Re:Prevent Win10 updates (Score 1) 69

Back when I was still on Windows 10 I used to block all ms update websites using pi-hole. That's the easiest way and works on all devices in the network. You can then easily decide when you want to update, backup everything, open pi-hole and allow Windows to run the update. At least it gives you some level of control.

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