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Comment Amazing Man (Score 3, Interesting) 31

I was so sad to hear of his passing, though not unexpected, and while he led a full life, we still lost him too early.

While at the University of Texas at Austin (c. 2000), my then girlfriend, now wife and I went to see him speak in the largest lecture hall (in Welch). We arrived about an hour early, and found to our surprise, all of our smartest friends already in attendance. None of us had coordinated with the others, and while from a wide range of majors (EE, Comp Sci, Biology, Psyc.) we just showed up, early. Be the end people were piled in every conceivable walkway, door way, broom closet, and well out into the halls to hear Dr. Sacks speak. His books are wonderful, but this was a fantastic experience that I will never forget.

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