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Comment Said this not more than 2 days ago myself (Score 1) 92

Also when plotting a route, the blue path you follow in the car, is now similar the newly changed grey road colours.

It's not identical, no, but the asphalt/ looking colour in the map for all the roads is a little bit close to the blue route, at least at a quick glance.

Why do UI people have to always fuck up what isn't broken?

I use Google maps 9.85.2 (you heard me) because it's the last known version which still gives me the fucking North GPS compass option (I NEED NEED NEED to know what direction I'm going)

It also offers a picture in picture mode on my phone.

I guess they can change the road colours without me needing to upgrade my maps version. At least they didn't break it entirely.

Comment All the crazy batshit stuff the bitcoiners said... (Score 1) 77

Is starting to sound a bit more realistic and that doesn't make me pleased.
I don't want the nutcase bitcoin people right and I sure as shit don't want CBDCs either.

This is a pretty dire sign and they've been slowly mentioning this the past 12 to 24 months.

How long until our money is entirely in control of others?

Comment No not really. (Score -1, Troll) 43

I'm sure you've all seen this post in about to make 50 times already.....

I'm not even the oldest /. member here, but I've seen more than enough "amazing new disk tech"articles and claims to last a lifetime.

It might genuinely be in the hundreds of different articles now.

Even if it was true (!!) capitalism would stop this dead in it's tracks. The machine doesn't like disruptions.

It would either be exceedingly expensive beyond your wildest dreams or snapped up by a wealthy existing player to be slowly dolled out to customers.

We will never ever see storage leap in a 10x size in our lifetimes, without some kind of major shortcoming.

Comment Ok so that's surprising. (Score 0) 29

So why on earth would TSMC not diversify and build a factory OUTSIDE of a country which China clearly wants to 'take back' some time soon?

Seriously, it's folly to even consider building more in Taiwan right now. Not much you can do about the amazing facilities there now but at least have a secondary plant not in Taiwan.


Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 1) 96

I heard the people who did the walkout were actually white collar people not the lower paid ones.

I don't suspect their jobs are threatened by illegal invaders.


"Legal invaders" is another story, Australia, Canada are suffering major issues with extremely high right and left wing operated immigration policies, designed to suppress wages, ensure renters / home purchasers, more customers at the stores and more tax payers.

It's quantitative peopling and majorly impacting workers rights, traffic, public transit, infrastructure, hospitals, wages, etc. It's not good.

I suspect a similar thing, occurs in the USA.

Comment Ahhh yes the new M series (Score 2) 61

Wife wanted a new Mac for work, Air is all she needs for performance but sadly, had she got one, even an Air with the M2 processor. A $1500 US product, it would only support a single external display.
In 2023.
A single external display on a $1500 Mac. Incredible!

So, we had to get an M2 Pro and of course it still has weird oddities, her Intel 2017 and Intel 2019 Macs both worked with my high end dock, with the lid closed. Just tap the space bar and the Macs woke up in the morning, not so with the new M series, have to lift the lid, unplug the dock, wait, plug in dock, wait, close lid each morning.

Then there's this, you know Apple using Displayport logos but not actually complying with Displayport specifications
(of course Apple stans will defend them with a plethora of silly excuses why this is acceptable)

(and yes if you're going to skim the post, the hardware IS capable of it, the software just decides not to)

Finally there's this

You know industry standard docks, using Thunderbolt, USB-C which cause one particular model of Macs to reboot, despite the fact that Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Huawei and even Apple iPads working fine in docks. This one is clearly a driver fault of some kind, easily recreatable, simply ignored by Apple. It also occurs on monitors with USB -PD / basic hubs in them.

This is the precise stuff that has 'sperglord IT nerds' like myself, whining about Apple still, 20 years on. I get it, people like them and some stuff really does just work, heck some stuff is outright so damn well designed. If you like it, you're not 'wrong'. However doing stuff 'weird' and breaking stuff / ignoring faults because 'that's now how it's intended' doesn't cut it.

Comment Re:How much would it go down if Russia exits Ukrai (Score 1) 190

Exactly this post.

The entire planet basically 'printed money' in order to try and put a band aid on covid.
Now we need to fix that problem. A lot of people got rich from this and now, a lot of middle class and below, who thought they "survived covid ok actually?!" are about to get utterly slammed.

The rich will get richer though, regardless.

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