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Comment Wants it for mass surveillance. (Score 1) 105

"Ellison said AI would be used in the future to constantly watch and analyze vast surveillance systems, like security cameras, police body cameras, doorbell cameras, and vehicle dashboard cameras.

"We're going to have supervision," Ellison said. "Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on."

Ellison also expects AI drones to replace police cars in high-speed chases. "You just have a drone follow the car," Ellison said. "It's very simple in the age of autonomous drones." He did not say if those drones would broadcast the chases on network news."

Comment Re:WHO is basically run by China (Score 1) 320

Wiki states...

The World Health Organization (WHO) Constitution does not recognise an observer status but the Rules of Procedure of its highest decision-making body World Health Assembly (WHA) give the Director-General right to invite observers to the annual Assembly meeting, provided that they are "States having made application for membership, territories on whose behalf application for associate membership has been made, and States which have signed but not accepted the Constitution."

Taiwan isn't recognize as a state by the large majority of the world, and almost all international bodies.

Submission + - Slashdot Dies A Slow Death with Crippling Advertisements ( 2

zamboni1138 writes: Anybody familiar with the technology news web forum known as Slashdot have known about the recent decline in quality of stories and comments. Recently Slashdot decided to "upgrade" their advertisement experience resulting in an almost broken user experience for users that implement any kind of ad-blocking technology. Over the last week visitors to the site using ad blockers have noticed a unique experience with javascript alerts explaining "This page could not be loaded properly due to incorrect / bad filtering rule(s) of adblockers in use. Please disable all adblockers to continue using the website. (click OK if you'd like to learn more)". These notices are almost non-stop while trying to load/read a page making the site unusable.

Submission + - Slashdot goes mental with advertising 9

sizzlinkitty writes: Has anyone else noticed Slashdot failing to load because of your ad blocker? I know I sure have and it's breaking my user experience like no other.

Please post the blocking patterns you're using to make Slashdot usable again.

Submission + - Slashdot is dead and has been replaced by an ad-saturated shithole ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: ..and nothing of value was lost.
Between all the Trump-supporting shitheads that permeate this place, and now ads everywhere you look that can't be blocked without blocking the entire site, I declare Slashdot to be dead.
RIP Slashdot.

Submission + - Chess: Carlsen, Nepo agree to share world blitz with accusations of fix matching ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Magnus Carlsen and Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi opted to share World Blitz Championship title after three sudden-death games failed to produce a winner.

Magnus Carlsen won the first two games in the final against Ian Nepomniachtchi and needed just a draw in the third game to seal another World Blitz title. But Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi made a comeback by winning two games, thus levelling the score at 2-2. The final would thus have to be decided in a tiebreak.

When three sudden-death games, neither player managed to secure a win, with all three games ending in draws. Magnus Carlsen then suggested sharing the title with his opponent.

Carlsen explained his rationale in offering to share the title.

“At that point (when he suggested the draw) we had already played for a very long time. I was very happy to end it. I thought at that point it would have been very, very cruel on both of us if one came first and another second. That’s why I thought it was a reasonable solution.”

In a clip shared on X by FIDE, Magnus can be heard asking Nepo if he would agree to share the World Blitz Championship title. Nepo says he’s not sure if that can be done. Then he makes a joke about going to the casino. A reference to Smyslov Hubner. They were in the quarterfinals of the candidates in 1983 and dead drawn at 7-7. They sought to resolve it by spinning a roulette at the local casino. Red-Smyslov wins, black-Hubner wins. It landed on green on their first try. On the second spin, it landed on red declaring Smyslov the victor.

Submission + - California squirrels show carnivorous behavior for the first time (

Hmmmmmm writes: Traditionally known for stuffing their cheeks with nuts, squirrels can be carnivorous — though recorded instances of the rodents hunting and killing other live vertebrates are rare, with few species known to have done so. Now, scientists have found unprecedented evidence of another type of squirrel exhibiting carnivorous behaviors, including hunting, killing and eating voles, according to a new study.

The research, published Wednesday in the Journal of Ethology, is part of the Long-Term Behavioral Ecology of California Ground Squirrels Project at Briones Regional Park in Contra Costa County. The project examines how California ground squirrels — native to the state’s grasslands — adapt their behavior in response to environmental changes, in this case an increase in the local vole population.

In parts of Northern California, vole infestations have been observed. At the research site, the study’s authors noted a significantly higher number of voles than average over the past decade. California ground squirrels have typically been considered herbivores or granivores, eating mostly plants and seeds. The new findings offer the first documentation of the species actively preying on other live vertebrates — underscoring its ability to respond to changes in the ecosystem.

  “Voles (have come to) recognize the squirrels as predators,” said John Koprowski, dean of the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming, who was not involved in the study. “There’s likely some really neat interplay between the two species because being eaten is usually not a great way to continue passing on your genes.”

The study’s findings suggest squirrels might be best classified as opportunistic omnivores based on their willingness to hunt and consume live prey, particularly when there is an abundant supply. Protein is a limited yet necessary resource for squirrels to thrive, and hunting voles likely provides them with a faster, more accessible nutrition boost than seeds, Koprowski explained.

“It’s a wonderful way for them to capitalize on a very abundant resource to provide enough sustenance for many (squirrels) to use,” he said.

This phenomenon in which an animal capitalizes on a necessary resource when it’s made available to them is known as dietary plasticity, according to Koprowski. If an animal doesn’t adapt to utilize the resource, it’s likely another species will take advantage of it.

Submission + - World's oldest known wild bird lays egg at 74 (

An anonymous reader writes: The world's oldest known wild bird has laid an egg at the approximate age of 74, US biologists say.

Wisdom, a Laysan albatross, was filmed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) at the Midway Atoll national wildlife refuge in the Pacific Ocean with her latest partner looking after the egg.

Members of the species usually only live for 12-40 years, but Wisdom was tagged in 1956 when she was about five.

Her last offspring hatched in 2021. She is thought to have had more than 30 chicks in her lifetime.

The USFWS said on X that Wisdom was with a new partner this year and that her previous partner Akeakamai had not been seen for several years.

The species generally mates for life but she is already thought to have outlived at least three mates.

Jon Plissner, supervisory wildlife biologist at the refuge, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that Wisdom was one of two to three million Laysan albatrosses who travel to Midway to breed.

He said biologists were unaware of any other birds even close to her age, the oldest being 45.

Submission + - The Onion buys Alex Jones's Infowars (

skam240 writes: "Satirical news publication The Onion has bought Infowars, the media organisation headed by right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, for an undisclosed price at a court-ordered auction.

The Onion said that the bid was secured with the backing of families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, who won a $1.5bn (£1.18bn) defamation lawsuit against Jones for spreading false rumours about the massacre."

Submission + - Ford's CEO has been driving the Xiaomi's SU7 EV for months (

An anonymous reader writes: The CEO of one of America's biggest car companies has been driving a Chinese vehicle for six months, and he’s loving it.

Jim Farley, the CEO of Ford Motor Company, said Monday on “The Fully Charged Podcast” that for the past six months he’s been driving the Xiaomi Speed Ultra 7, the Chinese company’s first electric vehicle. Although he said he doesn’t like to talk much about the competition, he praised both the car and its manufacturer, Xiaomi.

"We flew one from Shanghai to Chicago, and I've been driving it for six months now,” Farley said. “And I don't want to give it up."

"It's fantastic. They sell 10,000, 20,000 a month. They're sold out for six months," Farley said. “That is an industry juggernaut and a consumer brand that is much stronger than car companies.”

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