Is there something I don't understand? I don't think unlocking a US cellphone has any additional value than an unlocked US cellphone. The phone's most value is on its original network and it's almost worthless on any other network.
Why would you think that? How is a phone worthless on another network? Do you even understand what unlocking is?
Here in the UK, lots of little shops offer to unlock your phone. And people pay for it, because its worth moneys to have an unlocked phone.
When we can get VOIP over 3G on an open smartphone, current providers that milk their customers dry are going to shrivel like the wicked witch of the West in a torrential downpour. I'm not surprised they were upset that Google gamed the spectrum auction.
I would rather have Google for my phone company, but if they can get me what I want without spending money, more power to them. What I want is progress.
And you should also read the book US vs MS - the rules are literally different for a monopoly leveraging its position to gain market share - eg, an OS monopoly being used to gain and maintain a browser monopoly.
The statement is not at all false, let alone "totally".
was there supposed to be a question here?
oh wow. Yeah, there was. And it had to do with this new computer. And I failed. Epic. Brain. Fart.
What I was trying to ask was a bit of a wandering thought, so I don't even know if it needs to be repeated. But I am always up for answering questions I know the answer to, so here goes...
I wanted to say... Why dos this piece of tech-hardware remind me of the computer/monitor setup in that cheesy (though who doesn't love cheese cept those that are lactose intolerant, and maybe a few anti-cheeseheads... [Though I doubt they exsist])yet fun/silly holowood flick Swordfish. (What with it's multi-GPU's, I am assuming (another good way to make an arse out myself, woot) it can run that many screens, and pump-crunch through the needs of the program in record time.
Also just was a bit in awe of the tech-specs I saw, and was drooling, so I had to let it out, somewhere.
Wow that was a rambling...
*crawls back under his warm lizard-style hovel, and hides*
Everything's an engineering challenge, it all depends on how you look at it.
Sometimes that's half the fun.
The other half is enjoying the result.
Come on, let your mind sink to the gutter. It's more fun here.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith