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Comment All his BS is to raise funds for this (Score 2, Insightful) 278

He wants to make tons of money to fund SpaceX and go to Mars. I hope this happens sooner rather than later to show people Mars isn't viable for long term survival. Speaking of which, I hope he's on one of the first trips to demonstrate that. We've evolved for 1g gravity and 24 hour days. Those issues alone will screw up human biology a ton. Then there is the fact there is no geomagnetic field around Mars, so no protection from solar wind. That means two things, dangerously irradiated on the surface, and no chance to rebuild an atmosphere (as much lower gravity and stripping of atmosphere by solar winds are the blockers). Pie in the sky dream, push high metal asteroids into orbit around Mars to form a moon big enough to create crust flexing on Mars to warm up the interior by friction. Maybe that would melt the interior enough to get a rotating core to generate a magnetic field. Wake me up in a million years when that's ready.

Comment Would be On Linux By Now Except for Snap/Flatpack (Score 1) 152

Comment title says it all. Being force-fed shit by one large company is no different than being force-fed turds by another. Don't talk to me about fringe shit distros, I'm tired of having to fix shit all the fucking time. I just want to use the machine. Snap means not having a standard unified environment for doing work on, when every package has it's own version of required libraries. Never mind resource waste. Honestly, I'll stick with Windows or Apple even though I would like to switch to Linux. I learned how to program on Unix and did it professionally for a long time, so don't presume you know more than me about *nix systems.

Comment They Also Use Vendors They Know They Shouldn't (Score 1) 55

I used to work on telco enterprise systems. Netcracker is a major vendor in that world, and for the longest time one of their main programming shops was in Moscow (even though Netcracker was ostensibly located in Boston). I know that was 10 or 15 years ago and maybe they don't use that shop now, but those systems are huge and go in with the umbrella principle. (They're like an umbrella being shoved in your ass, and when they go live the umbrella opens and you're not getting it out for very long fucking time.) People who should have known then what we know now, is that at no time since Putin was around in Moscow (like the year 2000) has Russia been friendly and not trying to subvert and spy on other countries; especially America. I can tell you I hated the fact that so much Russian code was going into the digital provisioning areas of major telcos. But I was just a cog in the wheel. It doesn't surprise me that this stuff is coming to a head. I am sure there are many other vendors where source was created in places like China etc. that are part of this whole issue. It's just sad that it took so long. And I wouldn't be surprised if corporate spin doctors keep holding off a fix (if it even can be fixed at this point).

Comment Re: Still Prefer Fuel/Reactor Not Inherently Dange (Score 1) 80

You're right, thorium reactors have exactly the same design and safety issues as a uranium fueled reactor. Oh wait, they don't. They have completely different designs and way less safety issues (relative to uranium reactors almost none). You are an obtuse asshat only intent on misconstruing a comment in order that you can feel that you look superior in some way. You don't. You still look like an asshat.

Comment Still Prefer Fuel/Reactor Not Inherently Dangerous (Score 1) 80

I'm happy China has started up the first commercial Thorium reactor in the world. Though small, it is a good proof of concept that can be expanded on if ultimately successful. It's default behaviour will shut itself down on almost any catastrophic failure. And the waste is not as reactive and the half lives are much less. I'd rather do away with Uranium and Plutonium reactors altogether. If that happens, I suppose this could be good for a transition phase.

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