Comment NBN (Score 2) 141
Great they'll ruin Tesla the way they ruined Australia's NBN
Great they'll ruin Tesla the way they ruined Australia's NBN
Why wouldn't they make an android wear version if they've already done it for Ingress?
I believe the only sensible and practical idea here is to have 1000 monkeys at 1000 consoles doing these automated tasks for you. Of course you'd need to feed these monkeys, so you'd need more monkeys. Thus, 1000 monkeys at 1000 banana plantations.
Seriously. Usb Wifi Dongle + Rainbow Tables DVD + Backtrack = Win?!
Seems like the Koalas have been playing to much "Knifey Spoony"
Video or GTFO??
I'm a member of DAMM - Drunks Against Mad Mothers
Where do I sign up?
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Just cover the lenses with back to front smiley face stickers!
They should make it support ODF. But I guess its all about profit to them.
Two reasons:
1. I'm too drunk to know better
2. I'm usually by myself
So does this mean you crying about your daddy issues "during the moment" doesn't matter so much?
Funny, but it's worth noting that double-bagging drastically decreases the condoms' effectiveness. Latex rubbing against latex will tear easily.
I take your point and raise you another.
You see, this is when you put Tabasco sauce/Deep-heat between the layers, so if one of them does break you find out real fast!
Oh and to preempt you grammar/spelling nazi's... screw you!
The next question is which item takes priority on your bedside table/beer cartoon... the bottle of moonshine, the shotgun shells or that can of paint?
Can you really call it "making love" if you have to put on plastic gloves like a freakin' subway sandwich artist? Really intimate...
Great thanks for that mental image... now I can't eat my lunch.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.