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Comment Re:The artists are 100% correct (Score 1) 47

Their music is their property and it is protected by copyright

Copyright is about denying us the right to our own cutural heritage in the name of production of tax revenues for government and profits for corporations, who have paid bribes for its term to be extended beyond all reason.

(because that is the law against stealing for this kind of property)

It is not theft. If it were theft, we would not need an entirely separate body of law to address it. That is an outright falsehood, and if it's not deliberate and thus disqualifying, it's ignorance on a level which is disqualifying.

Comment Re:Theranos' problem was a layer of management hig (Score 1) 58

I'm not sure you know what a board of directors does [...] They are merely a conduit between the CEO and the shareholder. [...] they approved Holmes' appointment as a CEO in the first place

Try making up your mind sometime. Barring that, don't contradict yourself in a single paragraph.

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