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Comment I do it the same way (Score 1) 8

I'm another southpaw that handles a fork the way you do. I never could understand all that switching, and setting the knife down, picking it up again...

I've got some Muslim in-laws though, that I think are a bit offended by my eating with my left hand. They're too polite to say so and I don't think slopping food all over the table trying to use my right hand would be much of an improvement.

Comment Re:I think that's very unlikely (Score 1) 9

RoHS is a EU directive, but it's forced electronics manufacturers everywhere and in all industries to go lead free.

Even when you want to build something (IT infrastructure, Aerospace, Medical Equipment, etc) with good old Sn60Pb40 solder, you often can't anymore because none of the basic components (resistors, capacitors, transistors, integrated circuits, etc) are available with leaded plating on their leads and so they have problems when bonded with traditional tin-lead solder.

Comment Re:Bound Electrons. (Score 1) 390

I read ebooks on my Nokia N810 in the bath all the time. Seriously (though my wife makes fun of me for it - at least I'm not reading romance novels and sipping Chardonnay).

I'm careful not to not to drop it in the water, but if I were more worried I'd just stick it in a ziploc bag.

Comment Re:Hiding in plain sight (Score 2, Interesting) 322

Send me a hollow coin and I'll do it. I've X-rayed guns before (, and condsidering the way it's easy to see through a metal magazine, and through the brass cartridges inside of it, I'd speculate that it should be pretty easy to differentiate hollow coin from a normal one.

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