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Comment Re:I found it fun and easy (Score 1) 606

Same here...only I was atrociously bad. I'd get Ds and Fs on the programming assignments and As on all the written exams.

I understood the material...I just couldn't translate it into code for whatever reason. That's why I changed after 2 years to Math and got my degree there. Modern Algebra was a hell of a lot easier than Operating Systems, that's for sure.

Comment Re:Not actually reduced to math (Score 1) 323

Close. There are several different hairs to split here:

If you write a program that implements the patent, you have simply transformed an English description of the patent into an [insert programming language of choice here] description of the patent. That, in and of itself, is not illegal any more than translating the patent to Spanish, French, or Esperanto would be.

If you compile the program (assuming you used a language that isn't interpreted) and distribute it, you've not done any more than you have in the previous example. In this case you're just translating the code into assembly language. However at this point, you'll usually get sued for infringing on the patient even though, as the OP states, the patient is only valid when the algorithm is carried out using a generic programmable computer.

If the OP is correct, you would only be infringing at the point that the program is loaded into memory and executed by the processor. If that's the case, the onus would have to be on the plaintiff to prove that at some point I ran that particular algorithm.

I use the Linux kernel. It might be such that the code that implements the patented algorithm has never actually executed on my system. If that is true, I haven't infringed in any way. I'm sure there are binaries on my hard drive that I've never used. If any of them implements a patented algorithm, I haven't infringed.

Comment Re:Easy! (Score 1) 615

That's nuts. I hope its worth it. No trains or anything can take you? No ride sharing?

I live exactly 2.6 miles from the office and I think of getting a closer apartment. The 5 minute drive into work is almost too much...then again I can see a grocery store and a gas station from the house. The farthest place I need to go on a semi-regular basis is the credit union and that's about 4 miles away.

Comment Re:No Force or Effect (Score 2) 388

Well...that's kind of what happens. The Hyde Amendment is put in just about every appropriations bill, but Republicans still demand each individual law have anti-abortion language in it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the next appropriations bill for highway funding has some anti-abortion language in it.

It's all a racket to get votes. If you really believe that life begins at conception (which is a rational view to have), then you have to believe that any abortion is murder and the abortion provider along with his staff and the mother should all be arrested for 1st degree murder and conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Abortions performed to save the mother's life should still go to court so that the mother can plead self defense. You can't just take the mother or doctor's word for it. They might be secret libruls who like to kill babies.

You won't get but 10% of the country to believe that, but that's what you have to believe to be consistent.

Comment Re:Go figure (Score 1) 136

Does anyone really want a job? I'd rather sit at home all day, jack off, and watch TV. But I can't.

I don't want a job picking lettuce or being a gardener or roofer, but if it paid $50/hr I'd take it.

If we really did throw out every last undocumented worker, I think you'd see some native Anglos taking some of the same jobs, but some people would just do without. If they had to pay a guy $30/hr to landscape, they'd just go without. The fact you can pay undocumented workers a lot less provides an incentive to conspicuously consume.

Comment Re:Good idea (Score 2) 1251

That word does not mean what you think it means. "Theory" in a scientific context does not mean the same thing as "theory" in the vernacular.

Actually creationism need not be disproven before it is dismissed because it is not even falsifiable. Therefore science doesn't have the tools to deal with it. Philosophy does.

It is possible that creationism is true; we just don't have any way to test its claims using the scientific method. Evolution is scientific fact. Existence of a creator is outside the purview of science.

Comment Re:Question from a Facebook newbie (Score 2) 201

I don't believe there's a search mechanism for people who are tagged in pictures that don't link back to an account.

So If I had a picture of you and I posted it and tagged it as being "PPH", I don't believe there is a way to just search for pictures of "PPH" using the interface. There might be, but it would be non-obvious.

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