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Journal Journal: frozenbyte fail 2

$ sudo ./ ./ error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64$ sudo ./ ./ error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

getlibs didn't fix
nothing in the faq, nothing easy to find in the bug db
hate hate hate stupid installers that add nothing.

User Journal

Journal Journal: OK now look 6

I am in as much awe of Jobs' influence as the next guy, but we're talking about a company that under his watch set itself up as the guardian of morality. And we have people writing whole articles about how the 1984 commercial was the truth, man. It's clear that The Onion has it right. Jobs was a technological visionary, but he was also a holier-than-thou asshole. I am not glad he's dead. I'm not even sure I'm glad he won't be helming Apple. I am sure that he doesn't deserve worship any more than any of the rest of us flawed carbon units.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Blue Shield 4

Cops are evil. Oh sure, not all of them, just the ones that post in fora. Note that this is the google cache, because after this page received a lot of publicity, they deleted the thread.


Journal Journal: Facebook doesn't want you to know why Jeanne Mansfield was Maced 11

I posted the Boston Review story Why I Was Maced at the Wall Street Protests by Jeanne Mansfield to my Facebook wall, and it faithfully appeared ("via Links") on my wall. When my friends saw the update, however, they did not get the link. So I posted it again, and the same thing happened. And I posted the URL in a comment, and the comment disappeared. So then I posted the URL with spaces in it in another comment, and the comment did not disappear. Facebook is deliberately filtering comments containing the URL for the story. This is hardly conclusive evidence, of course. They could just be massively incompetent. Sorry, not buying it any more, not since they started releasing their code.

User Journal

Journal Journal: an open letter to gawker media 8

I am never going to allow you to run scripts on my computer from your various domains. If you weren't incompetent you would come up with a way to show me the ads anyway. They're called text ads. I don't need your content. I hope you die in a fire. I would never even notice you and your sophomoric stories if my friends didn't keep posting them to failbook. Please explode. Thank you.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Justice 1

Rioters in England cause millions of dollars worth of damage in 2011. 3000 arrested.

Bankers in England cause billions of dollars worth of damage in 2008. Zero arrested.

This is what passes for justice these days.

User Journal

Journal Journal: To Developers of "Forsaken World" 7

You are incompetent douchebags. If your registration form didn't repeatedly submit itself to an invalid URL I might consider trying your game. Idiots.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Some good discussion about cabsec

I was glad that there was some fruitful discussion about CApability Based SECurity (cabsec). I learned some things, and hopefully passed on some lessons as well. Thanks to all who joined in the comments in response to mine.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Happening faster than I thought it would... 5

After the bankruptcy "reform" of the last decade (which only applied to the lower income levels), we knew it was only a matter of time before the return of debtors' prison and forced work camps. There was never any question that this was where Reaganomics would take us.

I guess I just didn't expect that we'd see it so soon. When the new privatized prison system meets debtors prisons, something very very ugly is going to emerge. And it appears it's going to happen within the next couple of years.

If you are very very wealthy, and you find yourself unable to pay your debt, the government will force citizens to make you whole. If you are part of the working or lower classes and find yourself unable to pay your debt, you have become an enemy of the New Corporate State and will be treated accordingly.

User Journal

Journal Journal: JC, I hardly knew ye 3

Unless there's a system failure (which is a distinct possibility), Jeremiah Cornelius, an iconoclastic and highly prolific Slashdot journal writer has packed it in and closed his account. Links to his journals are dead and his account only shows the UID number, not his user name.

While sometimes his opinions were the kind that made me uncomfortable (which is something, being iconoclastic and a pain in the ass bordering on the trollish myself), I will miss his energy and his strongly held sincere beliefs.

If he's gone elsewhere, I'd like to know which online community a guy like him would join. We;ve lost some long-time Slashdot users recently. I hate to see a good one go.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 503 WTF

Why have we been getting all these 503 errors for days? Pretty tired of reloading each page four or five times.

Still think it's hilarious that only slashdot editors may tag stories "slashdot". THOU SHALT NOT DISCUSS SLASHDOT ON SLASHDOT. srsly?


Journal Journal: Vista/Windows 8 Hype Log. 1

All the usual hype is flowing about Vista 8. This mostly means that Vista 7 was a failure, but I decided to log it for laughs. Vista 7 did not sell as well as Vista did and Vista 8 won't sell any better than Vista 7. Vista failure has really killed Microsoft. The upgrade inevitability myth is six feet underground, traditional desktops are becoming a thing of the past and everyone looks to Google, Apple even IBM for cool and reliable computing. Despite that, Microsoft brings out the same old lines and strategies.


  • 05/29 - Steve Ballmer tries to freeze the market by announcing an early release date, only to have Micrsoft quietly rebuff him. In reality, OEM outrage at Microsoft's limitations and power grab pushes Vista 8 release out of 2012.
  • 06/02 - A fawning article from business insider. We get all the usual BS, "riskiest OS ever," "biggest step forward in more than 20 years, when it pushed Windows as the replacement for DOS", "underneath that layer is the old Windows that users are accustomed to. It will run old Windows apps", Linux and Apple are too jarring, expensive and suck, and so on and so forth.

Journal Journal: Really, Microsoft? 3

Really, Microsoft? You can't remove Windows Live Essentials from Vista for me before updating it? For that matter, you can't manage an upgrade-in-place? Seriously?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Is it just me? 1

the only pgp keyserver I can actually get a key from (http only) is is my ISP boning me? I tried connection logging (tomato) and there's no indication that I'm doing anything wrong.


Journal Journal: Bookmark all tabs 3

Why do I have to right-click a tab to bookmark all tabs? Why is it not in the menu? And more to the point, why am I in the position where I have to find an excuse for this for my lady in the first place? UI FAIL

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