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Comment Re:Who knew? (Score 2, Interesting) 199

Company culture is bullshit, company friendships are anti-churn. Getting them drunk together is best way to accomplish that.

I guess, maybe for some people, but I don't get it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm quite sociable and easy to make friends.....outside of work.

I've always kept co-workers at arms length, at least as far as socializing outside of work, or confining, talking, sharing, etc.

I work well with others, but they are co-workers, they, almost without exception, have not been what I'd term "friends". They are co-workers and contacts.

It's just too easy for something to go wrong at work and jeopardize your job, especially in today's victimhood environment...especially if you're talking women here and you are a guy.

No thanks...I'll be friendly, easy to work with...but no, not a friend, not going drinking with co-workers outside of a job sanctioned event, and even then, not staying long or getting tipsy.

My true friends are the many people outside of work I've met and known over the years in meatspace (not on social media)...people I know, trust and often many of them I trust with keys to my house.

I go to work for one I do what I have to as best I can...I leave and go spend time with the people that actually matter....friends and family.

But I guess some people mix the two more than they should....I guess that shows when people leave a job and get depressed, or even those that retire and are unhappy.

I don't get it...

Comment Re:More like management stupidity is doing it (Score 1) 90

Insect biomass collapse. Mass migration, demographic collapse, social media etc. destabilising society. Putler in a war on EU door step. US and China in a new cold war, with Taiwan as a possible source for it going hot. Gain of function research still widespread after a lab leak created a global pandemic, with the technology for genetic manipulation spreading. Fossil water exhaustion and subsidence. Soil depletion and other forms of land degradation. Climate change, eventually.

"Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!"

Comment Re:Who knew? (Score 4, Insightful) 199

And now you have a situation where the top leaders of these companies are harming their own culture

Ugh...I just don't get it with the whole company "culture" and the importance some people put on it.

Back in my early days of working when I was W2 direct....a number of companies went all out on the "culture"....we had rah-rah meetings, hell had company outings to promote whatever the latest culture motto that year was.

They spent money on consultants to come out with new mottos and branding....and such.

And, just what does that gain or give you as an employer or employee other than wasting a ton of money on consultants ever year or so?

What is company "culture"?

I mean, you go to get paid and leave.

WTF culture is involved in that.?

It's not like your employer really cares about you....they want work from you.

I'm old enough to remember when companies were a bit more "caring" of their employees...and still the culture thing was bull shit.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the paid days off on day trips for team building....we went bowling, tubing down river all day, laser tag...etc.

But it didn't really. mean squat as far as work went...

Again it was fun...but I can't perceive it did fuck all for work or productivity....and hell, I'd rather have had more raises than the money spent on this crap.

So, I really don't get it.

Work is work....I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't need a paycheck, and the more $$ the better.

I went contracting 1099....and just got away from all that crap...strictly business.

Anyway..does anyone actually see the culture thing as anything that's real? Valuable? Does it make you more money? The company more money?

I just don't get it....yet I see it mentioned quite frequently, especially nowadays with the WFH topic.

Comment Re:Aristocracy. Aristocracy never changes (Score 0, Troll) 144

So have you given up flying?


Does your house use natural gas?

Yes...HELL yes, keeps my electric bill reasonable...gas heat, gas water heater, gas clothes dryer, gas stovetop and oven.

Gas...the ONLY way to cook!!

Personally...I enjoy and plan to continue to enjoy the standard of living I grew up with and worked hard to attain.

I see no reason to give anything up.

But, you be you.

Comment Re:Public transport (Score 1) 157

Found the American. Europeans, many of whom don't even own a car are laughing at how absurdly stupid your view is.

It's only stupid if you are an European that has no concept of how US cities and the country is laid out as a whole.

Everyone here is NOT in a densely packed urban center where public transport generally seems to work....

The US is a very large country, and the majority of the land is not occupied by dense urban type cities...not to mention the extreme diversity of weather, and land type spread across the states.

You're only stupid if you don't know about or take into considerations the VAST differences between tiny Europe countries and the US.

Comment Re:Sure, there are only cars in the traffic (Score 1) 157

Agreed. I see many people every day who stop their vehicle one or more car lengths behind the white line. Getting on their rear bumper generally induces them to move forward.

Yeah, it seems a LOT of folks driving big SUVs or Pickup not know where the nose of their car actually is....

Sitting that high, they are stopping far short of the line because they're just going by how it looks from up there...not realizing they need to pull forward to actually hit the line.

It's annoying as hell.

Often if I'm at the front, I'll pull my car all the way to the proper line...and some times, especially if my window is open or the top down on my car, I'll look around at the car in the next lane...try to catch their eye...then look forward to where they should be, and where I am....and kinda look puzzled.

I'd say about 7 times out of 10 they will pull forward at least a little.

I guess everyone these days is getting their drivers license out of the same box of Cracker that you see this behavior ALL the damned time.

Comment Re:non-AI summary: (Score 1) 79

Altman argues for OpenAI to become an essentiall utility, like water and electricity companies, except also obtain a de facto monopoly via dumping (technical economic term meaning you give away products free or below cost so as to make it more difficult for competitors to enter, or stay, in the market).

When your competitors are Google, Amazon and Microsoft, dumping won't work.

Comment Re:Australia wil not go the way of Germany (Score 0) 132

This isn’t about choosing pain and suffering. Or even choosing pollution.

It’s about choosing a viable fucking solution that meets the need. All needs. And so far, not even first world countries have an answer. Just sales pitches running into reality.

The answer is assloads of renewables on power supplying side, ...

I think All Needs include the earth. Climate change is but one of the problems the earth is facing due to our number and way of life. The sixth mass extinction is well underway and assloads of renewables will worsen it.

Comment Re: Business news? (Score 1) 50

There are probably more reflexive Japanophiles than Sinophobes here. This is mostly because of things Japan produced in the 80s and early 90s. There was a time when this news would inspire daydreams of cheaper PlayStations and waifus. Now, all I can think is "How long until somebody claims "Bitcoin can fix this."

Actually I was thinking.."Hey, does this mean a trip to Japan is now cheaper than it used to be?"

I'd love to go over there and try to buy up vintage camera gear at a reasonable price!!

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