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Comment Spotty 3G on Android over Verizon? (Score 1) 146

This happens on my Droid with Verizon as well.

3G coverage seems to fluctuate wildly just sitting at my desk or at home.
I can try to download email and it will timeout, but while surfing the web, different websites will load immediately or sometimes not at all.

When I'm at home at least I can hop on the wifi and things improve somewhat.

I'd really like to have a network quality feedback app for Android like AT&T has for the iPhone. Actually I'd like to have a feedback app for a lot of the things on Android, including the Google Maps driving directions BETA won't be replacing my TomTom anytime soon.

I sign up for BETA programs, I've been a real QA tester, I don't mind using BETA software, but give me the ability to provide feedback right there when I'm using the phone.

Comment Re:Mail Server on both ends (Score 4, Insightful) 268

yeah, no shit.

seriously, their method is on crack. SMTP supports queue of mail, use the god-damn feature and us a compressed link for the exchange.

put quotes on the uplink as necessary to prevent flooding (size, or number of messages) if it's an issue, but otherwise, where;s the problem to solve? SMTP worked when people used 1200bps modems for internet links.

Comment Re:Is it just me (Score 1, Insightful) 721

or is this just a "cover our own backs" maneuver to avoid what happened with Galileo, Copernicus and others?

No, because the universe is so fucking huge that the probability of aliens visiting Earth or humans visiting Rsdflkjasd is zero.

There is extraterrestrial life - it's just that nobody will ever get to confirm it.

I think Vatican is just trying to get some attention. Ever since the good pope died, nobody truly cared about them. The panzer pope just feels... vile.

Comment Re:I'm fairly surprised, actually... (Score 1) 216

In other words, you believe that Madoff intended to spend the rest of his life in prison?

He didn't have a crystal ball. Spirits didn't visit him in the night and map out the future for him.

I think you need to consider two points in time - before he started, and when he'd got in so deep there was no turning back. Maybe a third - where he started fiddling a bit but thought he'd be able, Micawber like, to somehow cover it.

Sometimes events take on a life of their own.

The Internet

Submission + - Pirate Bay bought for $7.7 million (theregister.co.uk)

mcvos writes: "Global Gaming Factory bought The Pirate Bay. For $7.7 million! Who would pay that amount of money for a site that's in court and probably doomed to disappear? Well, somebody who can afford $7.7 million for PR of course. Don't expect TPB to remain unchanged:

"Content creators and providers need to control their content and get paid for it. File sharers need faster downloads and better quality,"

So instead of a filesharing site, it's probably going to be a new web shop under a familiar name. Which reminds me: how is Napster doing these days?"

Comment Re:Crazy- this should be funded more to go faster (Score 1) 272

If building a *true* plant costs a trillion dollars or euros, fine, but it'd better produce enough power that 2-3 of them can power the entire United States or Europe.

There are big problems with this approach though, both from the additional costs of power grid systems to move all that electricity about, and the problems (terrorism, maintenance, malfunctions, etc) of relying on a single, or even a reduced number, of points of failure.

Imagine if http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1989_geomagnetic_storm blacked out all of North America, and not just Quebec for instance.

Comment Re:Crazy- this should be funded more to go faster (Score 2, Interesting) 272

We could use a little less power.

We all could, and should (I gave up my car a couple of years ago, and saved carbon AND money; I haven't flown for about 5 years). But that's in the developed world - the rest of the world wants (not unreasonably) to have some of the things we've been enjoying for decades. There's a lot of them, and it will more than offset the savings you and I make.

As I said, the real solution will be complex, and will involve lots if not all the changes and new technologies mentioned. There is no "do this one thing" solution (except for doing nothing, and letting our kids deal with it).

Comment Re:Crazy- this should be funded more to go faster (Score 4, Informative) 272

Wind, tide, photovoltaic and solar thermal power work right now.

Wind power only works when it's windy, and where it's windy, and not as efficiently as generally advertised. NIMBYs object to serious scale windfarms on land, and they kill migrating birds and cock up radar. There will also need to be a hugely expensive and unsightly ( or buried, and even more expensive) expansion of power grid systems.

Tidal systems are hideously expensive - estimates of UKL 23 billion for the Severn Barrage for example. And they have massive negative effects on wildlife too. NIMBYS are not fans of these either.

Photovolatic systems are unproven, but on a serious scale would probably involve enormous quantities of highly toxic chemicals. Like wind power, solar power is not available where the power is needed all the time, or even any of the time in many populated regions.

Barring a massive program of depopulation, there are no quick answers to power production vs climate change. Some or all of the three methods above will probably be part of the solution, as will be fusion power, fission power, carbon sequestration and other technologies, plus a lot of money. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling snake oil.

Comment Re:Your freedom stops when you hit my nose (Score 2, Informative) 528

But every person has the right to exercise their OWN mouth and offer-up their opinions, no matter how offensive.

No such right exists generally outside the USA, and many "opinions", such as holocaust denial, are specific crimes in much of Europe. On the other hand, many Europeans are surprised at how upset Americans get over the burning of flags, and so on. In this case, seems possible that an offence under UK law was committed, and the police would be required to take efforts to track down the perpetrator, and not simply take at face value the statement that there was no audit trail on the server.

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