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It's Time To Build the Analytical Engine 127

macslocum writes "John Graham-Cumming is launching a project to finish Charles Babbage's dream and build an Analytical Engine for public display. The goal: inspire future generations of scientists to work on their own 100-year leaps."

Can We Travel To That Exciting New Exoplanet? 662

An anonymous reader writes "The news last week that exoplanet Gliese 581g may be in the 'Goldilocks zone' and could therefore hold liquid water and alien life got everyone all excited, with good reason. A potentially habitable planet — and only 20 light years away! But to put things in perspective, here are a couple of estimates on what it would take to travel to Gliese 581g. One scientist puts the travel time at 180,000 years based on current space flight technology, while another explains that it could be quite quick if we build a matter-antimatter drive, and can figure out how to bring along 530 times as much mass in fuel as is contained in the ship and cargo itself."

Ballmer Promises Microsoft Tablet By Christmas 356

judgecorp writes "Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer told an audience at the London School of Economics, that there will be tablets running Microsoft's Windows operating system available by Christmas. 'We as a company will need to cover all form factors,' he told an audience of students and press. 'You'll see slates with Windows on them – you'll see them this Christmas.' Mind you, if he's talking about the rumoured HP Windows 7 slate, he may not be so pleased when it appears. A recent YouTube video showed a supposed prototype which has been described as a 'trainwreck in the making.'"

Robot Drawn Caricatures Screenshot-sm 29

ptresset writes "From Singularity Hub: 'Artists and programmers in the UK have decided to improve upon the male and female symbols outside many toilet facilities. They’ve developed a set of robotic arms that take pictures of people entering into a bathroom and then use that image to create a unique drawing to place outside the door. It then wipes away this art to make room for the next person’s caricature.'"

Submission + - New Vuln In Twitter, Spreads Like Hayfire (

alien9 writes: Some bizarre attack is compromising twitter accounts this morning... By some tricky CSS injections users are pointed to retweet automatically a message. The injection of CSS makes the invasion very difficult to dodge: a simple mouseover triggers the attack.
This happens a few days after the click-triggered attack.
At this moment twitter have took no known action over the issue.
Apparently, change your password and removing browser cookies are a good measure to regain account control.

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