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Comment Re:Hamas Fanboys (Score 5, Insightful) 517

It is a bit hypocritical of the West to expect a ceasefire from Israel.
We bombed and shelled the Japanese and Germans relentlessly until they surrendered. We did not ask the Germans if they were Nazis.
Hopefully, Gaza will surrender soon, and unconditionally. Then we can press Israel to be as generous and forgiving as the US was after WW2.
( The Brits and French were in a less forgiving mood, Russians more so for obvious reasons. Fortunately clear heads prevailed. )

Comment Re:And how do these numbers shift... (Score 2) 100

One of my friends once pointed out to me that 10 Things I Hate About You is basically Taming of the Shrew in a different setting, and my perspective on movies has never been the same since. So how many of those 7% were still retellings of existing stories, but with enough changes to make them not be flagrantly "based on existing IP"?

10 Things I Hate About You is especially derivative, considering Petruchio / Patrick, Katherina / Kat, and Bianca's character names were even kept largely the same. But it isn't like Shakespeare's play was even original. Literary critics have found many oral and literary stories which most likely heavily influenced the play, included using the same names as characters from previous works. I'd say today's version of ChatGPT isn't too far from a human's ability to come up with a truly original story.

Comment All the money is in sequels (Score 1) 100

I took a look at box office returns for the past few years and compared them to 1995-99. In the past 3 years 79% of box office returns from the top 10 grossing movies came from sequels or remakes. In the late 90s, it was 36%. While the studios may be partially to blame based on where they spend their marketing dollars, I feel most of the blame lies on the audience. The studios wouldn't have shifted this dramatically if the audience wasn't rewarding them for it.

Comment It's What the Audience Wants (Score 1) 100

So it looks like this research shows studios are still producing just as many original works, but audience members have migrated to derivative works. Movies based on novels and comic books are less than 10% of all movies in the past two decades, but they account for over 35% of box office revenue.

Like another poster said, I bet if you count a sequel as derivative work then the shift in the industry would be even more dramatic.

Comment Re:Racist tests and admissions / graduation rates (Score 1) 84

Now what's the lead and other heavy metal toxicity like in most of Africa?

That may be a factor in some localities, but the difference between Africa, and Africans in developed countries is mostly down to nutrition and hygiene in early childhood development. Huge improvements have been made over the last 70 years, with infant mortality plummeting, but there is a long way to go.

You can see it in stature too. Black Americans are around 10cm (4") taller than black Africans.

Comment Apple and Samsung Release Dates (Score 4, Insightful) 33

Isn't this simply explained by the release dates for Apple and Samsung flagship phones? The Apple 15 came out in September, so Q4 2023 was very good for Apple. The Samsung S24 was released in January, so Q1 2024 was better for Samsung.

Apple dropped from 24.7% market share in Q4 23 to 17.3% in Q1. They had a drop of 5.4% in 2022, 7.4% in 2021, and 6.7% in 2020 (from Q4 to Q1). 2023 was an oddity with only a 4.4% drop. This 7.4% drop is on the high end but still within the norm over the past few years.

Comment Re: I've always felt the great filter (Score 1) 315

And you can't make rocket fuel out of charcoal.

Why not? Ancient China disagrees. We are talking about a great filter here. What matters is whether something is possible on planets generally, not whether it is easy here on Earth.
    Early civilisations developed metallurgy without coal or oil. It is easy to imagine other planets having an industrial revolution without fossil fuels. Coal made it a whole lot easier and faster, but is not essential.

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