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Comment Re:Waste MORE time!? (Score 1) 1073

Go ahead then, tell me what this socialist corporatism you are going on about is by using English meanings I can find in a dictionary and not whatever is thought up in teabag meetings or whatever they are. I am not in the USA so I cannot understand you if you use political slang attached to words that already have other meanings.
Show me that I am wrong when I accuse you of using "socialist" as a meaningless swear word.

Comment What would Jesus do? (Score 1) 150

Is it just me or does anyone else think messing with creatures in this way is off-the-scale barbaric and shouldn't be done whatever the reason?

It really scares me that there's apprarently no limit to the depths governments and universities will sink in the name of money or whats laughably called 'defence' (read: to kill more people more efficiently).

How far will mankind go towards the worst visions of the future before enough decent people say 'no more'?

Comment Re:He never seems to learn... (Score 1) 421

Of course, if we ignored him, he'd probably go away only to be replaced by an anti-gaming figurehead that wasn't batshit fucking insane, so maybe it's best for everyone to just keep him around for the amusement factor.

I am still not actually convinced that he isn't in the pay of the ESA. I mean, he provides great publicity (I bet Bully wouldn't have sold nearly as well if he hadn't protested it, the game was half arsed), and any one who tries to ban video games (or anything related to that) ends up being tared with the same brush!

Comment Yes. Commodore 64 Game Company (Score 1) 318

I would program just as much. But it would be all fun projects. Some would be useful like maybe contributing to Ruby/Rails projects. Others, would be for total fun. I would start my own gaming company but would focus on dead platforms (dead being a relative term). I would contract out art and music and code games for the Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari 8/16bit, etc. I wouldn't care if I made a profit or not. I would then give the games away for free via disk images. Some games would be released on cart or disk at my expense. That would rock.

Comment It's easier now. (Score 1) 104

I went last year. No guards, it's outside the gate. A very worthwhile visit if you're in the DC area.

In addition to the Enigma and Cray, they have a US Navy Bombe (the Enigma key search machine), a NeXT cube, a USS Liberty memorial and a bunch of other neat stuff.

And a gift shop. Don't forget your NSA logoware. You get an opaque blue shopping bag with nothing printed on it. The receipt is from the "Employee Welfare Fund" or some such. I got a kick (and an NSA coffee mug) out of that.

Comment Re:So, Dr Elliott, (Score 4, Insightful) 607

> what exactly would have happened to Madeleine McCann if she was wearing one
> of these when abducted ? Either: (a) it would have been forcibly removed -
> causing an alert, or (b) police would have been able to track her.

Or (c) Tracking Police would have found her chopped-off arm, incl. intact bracelet.

Comment Re:As a former Juror... (Score 5, Insightful) 517

While a newspaper may contain some high-level information about the case (and that's assuming you don't live in a jurisdiction with publication bans - in which case the newspapers will have nothing at all), having a web-enabled device allows you to look up background information, similar cases and their outcomes, the recently-created facebook group named "fry that bastard", and literally dozens of other ways to colour your perception of the facts being presented in the courtroom.

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