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Comment Re:Just look to Canada to see how bad this will go (Score 1) 91

News was being slowly killed off and degraded for decades; somebody has to do something! It also has to be done while big tech actively works against humanity so the best solution can't look so good when it's under full attack; not saying Canada found the best solution. It's something.

CBC is the best news in Canada anyway. In the USA, we have a tiny sliver of quality news compared to Canada.

Comment Re:Want to save journalism is America??? (Score 1) 91

WTF? limited ownership is the big problem we have today and created a lot of the mess we have today. They FAILED to limit ownership. Also, google and other tech companies have gutted it by essentially stealing their income. The founders put a few % of GDP into supporting the free press; we need to get back to something like that (it was free delivery by USPS of news)

Now you have google scraping answers of web pages and putting them directly into the results so the web site doesn't even see that traffic. The AI will just take this further. If the users do go to the web page, it's probable google gets a chunk of whatever ad money is involved on that site as well.

Comment Laser sucks too! (Score 1) 116

Depends on the DESIGN of your laser printer! Some are engineered to break in certain ways and if you are lucky it's at an interval but others just die once. Laser printers are quite complex devices which helps them hide the "errors" in the breakage.

Color laser printers have a different more complex design than simply a large box with 4 printers inside; they'll merge 4 fusers into one and have a delicate powder transfer belt to leak and needing foam seals... and choosing foam that deteriorates by age (seen it twice and never was able to replace successfully.)

The old Xerox Phaser is the best color printer ever but is discontinued and wasn't reliable until the end when they built them around service plans with ink. Not that they didn't have issues and maybe were not as reliable as some large lasers with a similar business plan motivating them to be engineered better. That said, most the engineering time isn't spent on long life so it doesn't look like anything is there yet; at that complexity.

Dot matrix, that is simple and was mastered long ago.

Comment Censorship AND parenting (Score 1) 108

This is a GREAT idea that won't stop bad parenting.
Have you seen what today's kids do? They have spare phones and their friends loan them spare phones when their parents dare to take away the phone. They buy phones off their friends too. You can't stop them but they are so ignorant you can spot the new devices showing up on your wifi...(or one of their friends who's not visiting shows up.) They are so addicted, they'll get caught using the device forgetting they are not supposed to have one!

This is like strip clubs allowing children customers... unless you put a tracker on the kid 24/7 you hope society contributes something positive... people need to think of children as belonging to society and not personal property like pets are. Bad parents do harm to us all.

Comment Re:labels lie (Score 1) 56

Rounding errors are a lie? You set your standards way too high. So, the WHOLE label is a lie so we should just get rid of them? (FYI, Industry wouldn't have fought like hell to PREVENT food labels if they were useless. Yes, they fought it back in the day; although, if it were today, I don't think it would pass into law.)

So what do you do about billing? refuse to pay the 1 cent everybody is defrauding you with by rounding up? (many always round up) or refuse to sales taxes because they not only round up but clever businesses collect extra money in the collection of those taxes...

Comment Re:Coyote vs Acme (Score 1) 215

I kind of agree.. If it's good, I can overlook the minor flaws and not get all upset to the point of ruining it.

I don't care about their agenda items that are to me is just another kind of fan service to substitute for quality. So they virtual signal, throwback reference, cameo, or simply theme (star wars whatever) the story.

The REAL problem is everything sucks and yes throwing out masters like Lassater who make all the hacks look bad is the problem. What they want is for people to have no taste or depth and will pay for their dog food and praise it like it's gourmet... and suck up as much time as possible consuming instead of plotting to stop wage theft running rampant for decades.

Comment Studio example (Score 1) 215

The studios can't let themselves be made fools of by creators purposely trying to kill exploitation of their work--- they have to make a reboot ASAP to show you can't ever stop them from raping the memories of good art.

Comment Re:Is anyone else waiting (Score 1) 57

at some point it'll stop mining and at that point it'll be interesting to see who's going to bother to process transactions.... although it'll not be based around complexity at that point so processing will be way cheaper right?

So then wouldn't it make sense to hold until that day? or not? assuming it lasts that long but it's managed to go longer and higher than i ever thought it would.

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