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Comment Re:people who drown panic and flail around wildly (Score 1) 205

Absolutely not. The YouTube customers are the people buying ads on the platform.

YouTube is fleecing them by raising the number of ads they can bill them for, even though they're force-showing them to visitors who have very clearly expressed that they don't want ads and are more likely to hold the ads against the customers who paid for them than see them as an incentive to buy or as a positive brand-image thing.

Comment people who drown panic and flail around wildly (Score 4, Informative) 205

And that's exactly what YouTube is doing.

YT is dying. Slowly, and it'll be around for years, but it's dying. The algorithm is starting to fail in very obvious ways, like recommending you the same videos constantly, despite you've scrolled past them a hundred times before. The content has become thinly veiled advertisement in addition to the actual advertisement they shove down your throat in increasingly aggressive manner. Most of the large content creators don't make much money anymore on YouTube and would probably jump ship the moment a competitor with a comparative audience size appears.

They're desperately trying to keep the cash cow alive somehow. And when you run out of ideas to innovate and make a good product, you start to ask yourself how you can fleece your customers for more.

Comment Re:Ludd is Gudd. (Score 1) 14

There are a few use cases where having a push button lock with a code, or some other form of electronic access control is preferable. Not for a family, but often if you have a short term rental, or a shared workspace that a team uses. There's no excuse for a company that makes locks to sell a product with vulnerabilities like this.

Comment Re:There is no paradox (Score 1) 315

It's true that there is the assumption that technology and innovation will reduce interstellar travel times drastically, the way they have reduce travel across an ocean from many weeks to a few hours.

I do agree that most people probably are off by at least two orders of magnitude in estimating realistic interstellar travel times. With technology we can predict as probably going to happen, we're still on the order of hundreds of years to even nearby star systems.

Unless some magical technology breaks the light-speed barrier, space will not be "another ocean".

However, star-faring civilisations are still possible. They wouldn't be any kind of space kingdom, but independent star systems that just happen to have a common ancestry. They would certainly communicate, and the technology for that basically exists already, at least in the nearby area ( And if we can only travel to a few of the nearest stars, would we want to? Is there anything there we want?

Humans do a lot of things simply because we can. And what is vast resources today isn't so much tomorrow. Just 200 years ago, all the gold in the world wouldn't have enabled you to fly to another country for a quick visit to relatives. King, pope, peasant, no difference, simply wasn't possible. Today, anyone with an average income can do it.

So in another 200 years, who's to say that a space ship to a nearby solar system is not well within the budget of a wealthy nation?

Comment Star Wars magic is dead (Score 1) 49

I grew up on Star Wars and was happy to take my kids to see episode 7, and they enjoyed it. Our kids dressed up to go to Disney world, one of them as Poe Dameron. We enjoyed the Star Tours ride. But episode 8 went completely off the rails, and the TV shows (other than Andor) have featured really poor writing and a disregard for existing canon. None of my kids are interested in Star Wars anymore, and neither am I. I don't understand how a company with as much experience as Disney could completely destroy such a lucrative franchise, but it happened.

Comment suicide by capitalism (Score 1) 120

Cinemas essentially killed themselves in the early 2000s, at least over here in Europe. There used to be local cinemas everywhere, with one or at most 2 main halls and 2-4 small ones. The main hall or halls showed the Hollywood blockbuster of the month and the smaller ones the other movies, the ones that didn't fill the main hall.

Then all of those local cinemas started disappearing and were replaced with the massive cinemas we have today, with 10+ main halls and no small ones (or "small" ones the size that the main hall of local cinemas used to be). I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've been there where these massive halls were filled to even somewhat near capacity. Most of the time you can pick wherever because there's 2-4 people per row. Make it 10% full if you want to be generous.

Of course that's not viable. They thought economy of scale. They thought they can have more efficiency than the local places by having fewer cashiers and popcorn sellers per customer. They thought on paper and not in the real world.

And to have even a chance to fill those halls, the only movies that they could show were blockbusters.

Comment Re:27" iMac ? (Score 1) 107

I think Apple doesn't understand what it had with the big iMac.

I still have my 2017 one around. When it came out, it was revolutionary. A full 5K display with a reasonable CPU and GPU at a very reasonable price. Built-in webcam and speakers. The only necessary cable was power (if you went bluetooth keyboard and mouse). A wonderfully uncluttered desktop with a mean machine that also looks nice.

Why would I make many steps back from that?

I've done the math last year. I also thought Mac mini + Studio Display (it's not that much more expensive than a good 4K display) would do it, but it turns out that once you upgrade the Mac mini to something actually useable for desktop work, you're not that far from a Studio price-wise.

I really, really, really wish someone took a big fence post and hammered some sense into the idiots at Apple.

I wish that monitor vendors would figure out a good way of mounting small-form computers (like the Mac mini) on the back of monitors...

They have. I've seen such in several different offices.

Comment Just the latest "Invest in me!" scam (Score 4, Insightful) 51

First there were driverless cars, which are the kind of technology that's easy to get to 90%, damn hard to get to 95%, and impossible to get to 100%, but we all saw the predictions that driverless cars were only 5 years away... what... 10 years ago? Then there's bitcoin, which has literally zero intrinsic value and depends entirely on convincing someone more gullible than yourself to buy your bitcoin at a higher price than you paid, and as long as the price kept going up, people like SBF found it easy to milk investors. Now there's AI, which as far as I can tell can only write high school essays and a few incorrect pages of code, and certainly doesn't do any kind of "thinking" because it's really just a word predictor but it's all the buzz so all the companies want to jump on the bandwagon and get investor money because they're "doing AI". These scams come and go all the time. Don't buy into the hype.

Comment Re:Racist tests and admissions / graduation rates (Score 1) 84

If what you're implying is true (that anyone who couldn't otherwise graduate from Harvard could graduate with remedial classes) then literally anyone could potentially graduate from Harvard with remedial classes and everyone has exactly the same potential. That's a ridiculous ideological sentiment which anyone who's ever actually worked with people in the real world knows is incorrect. Are there reasons why racialized students don't get as many opportunities? Yes. Those problems need to be fixed at the neighbourhood and school district level. By the time people get to applying for universities, it's way too late.

Comment "scaling down" (Score 2, Funny) 199

Reducing something to just over 1 % of its original planned size isn't "scaling down". That's an euphemism for "giving up, just finishing the stuff we've already largely built".

Converted to your typical house, it means instead of building the whole house you're building the tiny guest toilet and nothing else.

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