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User Journal

Journal Journal: [/.] This is progress? 3

I thought progress was supposed to go from "old and busted" to "new hotness", not "old mediocrity" to "new and busted"...

Amazingly, /. renders better under Opera than MSIE, though FireFox seems to be supported best. I can't find half my stuff, everything is left-justified and fonts are ugly. Another nail in the coffin, I guess.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [geek + query] Looking for HTML component for Delphi/C++ Builder 4

I know I am asking this to the wrong crowd - Delphi is a Windows product and this is a mostly Unix/Linux/Mac kind of place. Nervertheless, I have a project I'm fiddling with and I need to be able to render HTML. I had planned on wxWidgets as my platform but I cannot get it to compile properly anymore for some odd-ball reason. So... My fallback is that I have the latest and greatest version of Delphi on my Windows partition, and I am willing to go that route to get down to it. The problem is t

Comment Re:The real punchline... (Score 2) 6

...and you can already pre-order it. According to Amazon, it will ship this coming May. Amazon's ship date doesn't necessarily mean it's going to ship of course, but it's progress toward taking the title off the vaporware list.

Comment Re:The problem is WIndows, not the DOS extender (Score 2) 8

Eh, this was just an exercise in curiosity with a dose of insomnia tossed in there for good measure. To be honest I do not think JtS's suggestion of using DOSBox will improve matters but there's little to lose by trying. At a minimum I will come away knowing more than I did when I started.

Of course, I could just compile it under Linux with gcc and watch it fly, but that's a different exercise.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [geek] Windows Console App vs. DOS 32-bit app 8

Ok, not the most glamorous topic to kick off the new year but you get what you pay for. This is the first JE I have posted in several months, not because of ill will or dissatisfaction here, but simply because I do not have the time I once had to post.

Comment Happy New Year! (Score 1) 6

Happy New Year back atcha.

Here it is, 2011. So far, not much different than 2010, except that I have a LOT of Farscape episodes to keep me occupied...

Comment I use wxWidgets (Score 3, Interesting) 331

I have had good success with wxWidgets on both Windows and Linux. That said, it's the *only* cross-platform GUI development library I have used and I am used to it. Rather than use anchors for placing window components it uses something called sizers which are a lot harder to work with until you get used to them. It can be used with a variety of languages (C++ and Python are the two big ones, though there is support for hooking into Java as well) and the licensing is sane.

Though I do favor wxWidgets (as it's all I really know) I believe QT is a lot more complete as a library. Depending on what you're doing, QT may be a better fit for your needs.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [misc] Mining the past can be poisonous 2

The deeper you delve into the distant past, the richer the pain and sorrow you may find. Sometimes, the truth is best left unknown - knowing may bring healing, but it can also crush you with unbelievable weight.

Ask yourself - do you really want to know? How badly? Is it worth it?


Submission + - Microsoft says "We Love Open Source"

" rel="nofollow">GeckoFood writes: "In an interview with NetworkWorld, a representitive for Microsoft says "We love open source". From the article: "In 2010 Microsoft is trying hard not to be public enemy No. 1 to open source proponents, in some cases by making key contributions to open source code and in other cases by making Microsoft products interoperable with open source software." This is a very interesting statement from a company with a well-established reputation for being fiercely competitive and unwilling to concede even a little market share in any area of the market."
User Journal

Journal Journal: [misc] Sadness 3

A word of advice for my friends.

You can spend decades searching and searching for people from the past. When you finally find them, be ready for the memories to flood back and be ready to accept that their recollection of you may very well be the last thing you'd expect.

That is all.

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