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Comment Re:Once again, (Score 2) 148

Except I'm pretty sure that Parler still isn't allowed on the Play Store. However, since Android allows sideloading apps Google doesn't approve of, Parler is able to offer an Android version of their app for download and Google can't really do anything about it.

Comment Re:What's the point (Score 1) 104

Depending on the copying process, it's plausible...
Like, if there's somehow a lossy encode generation (or an analog generation or five) between the original and copy or if the CD is burned so poorly it's audibly skipping or if it's done in a way that inserts gaps between tracks
But if you don't do something wrong, nah.

Comment From the writeups of this I've seen... (Score 4, Insightful) 242

Apparently the company has instructions for how to unlock the device with a screwdriver. And the security researchers who found the issue had a couple of other ideas https://www.pentestpartners.co...

Internet-connected penis prisons still seem like a really fucking dumb idea, though.

Comment Re:Free Market at Work (Score 0) 358

Actually, technically, the last president to *start* a war was either FDR (I'd argue we were dragged in) or Woodrow Wilson.

Now, a lot of presidents since then have started illegal military conflicts.

Also, I'd argue that Trump droning an Iranian official on Iraqi soil might be worse than any of Obama's military adventures.

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