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Comment "Elite" (Score 1) 264

These are your new elites, America.

We got tired of upper middle class white kids. That's gauche.

Now, we have a multicultural empire of elites, who are selected for their obedience as much as anything else.

It seems they cheat a lot. When you prioritize obedience and detail-memorization above the ability to think, that's what you get: little robots that do anything to get the grades.

That's your future, America.

Now transferring my investments to Europe and Asia...

Comment Apple has never known its audience (Score 0) 171

The ][, ][+, //e and //c were great machines.

They were hacker's machines.

Easy to do basic stuff on, no barriers to entry, and yet also very friendly to either grandma or the weekend code warrior.

After that, Apple started wanting to go for the easy money. The Macintosh was marketed with the de facto notion that even if mental retardation struck you where you stood, you could still use one.

Now it's just a hipster machine.

Bring back the hacker days, when not everything came with "wipers" to make sure we didn't screw up.

Are you listening, Apple? After the iHype fades, you're going to need a new direction. What's like an Arduino, Raspberry Pi and new frontier all in one? A hacker's machine, of course.

Comment Communism = Death (Score 1) 93

I realize it's unpopular to like what we have in the West, and most people express this with fawning adoration for its opposites, but I beg to differ.

Communism sucks in every way.

It doesn't work politically, it sabotages the intellectual and moral will of the population, and it even fails economically, wherever it is tried.

I'm sure the VC are trying hard to cover up their failures with propaganda. It's what they always do. And yet, that means collapse is right around the corner.

It'll be interesting to see the USA granted a late victory in this war.

Comment Blaming others increases suicide. (Score 1) 656

People often commit suicide out of a sense of revenge on the world.

If we blame the government for Aaron's actions, this encourages more people to commit suicide, so that whoever is antagonizing them gets blamed.

The best logic if we want to stop suicides is to frame it as what it always is: an individual choice. This allows us to emphasize the consequences of that choice on the individual and immediate family, discouraging that individual.

It's sort of an unwritten rule that the people who should kill themselves do not kill themselves, while the people who should not seem to succeed at an alarming rate.


Submission + - G. K. Chesterton on software development (

hessian writes: "John D. Cook blogs a great quotation from G. K. Chesterton that advises caution before removing something. In essence, he challenges people who would remove something unnecessary to go and figure out why it was erected in the first place. Needless to say, this is an issue we deal with a lot in writing software."

Submission + - Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided? (

hessian writes: "Environmental problems have contributed to numerous collapses of civilizations in the past. Now, for the first time, a global collapse appears likely. Overpopulation, overconsumption by the rich and poor choices of technologies are major drivers; dramatic cultural change provides the main hope of averting calamity."

Comment The problem with protests. (Score -1, Flamebait) 584

Our Constitution guarantees us a number of ways to work through government for change.

The problem with protests is that by working around these methods, the methods are weakened. In addition, people start believing that dramatic public attention-getting is more important than reasoned political argument.

As the only people who truly profit from this, the media love it, coming and going. One great reason to support piracy is to weaken the profits of Hollywood and the news-entertainment media.


Submission + - Musicians support piracy, think it more profitable than music biz (

hessian writes: "The harsh reality is that too many prey on us – in a hostile environment – we have no other choice than to rise up.

We have no beef with "curious cats" who tune in on unauthorized channels, download torrents etc. Such undertakings serve a similar purpose to that of labels and distributors – from which we see such a minuscule yield anyway. Forget about it.

We encourage all conscientious music fans to buy their music direct from artists whenever that is possible, in the future. It will help more than you know."


Submission + - Study finds epigenetics, not genetics, underlies homosexuality (

hessian writes: "Epigenetics – how gene expression is regulated by temporary switches, called epi-marks – appears to be a critical and overlooked factor contributing to the long-standing puzzle of why homosexuality occurs.

According to the study, published online today in The Quarterly Review of Biology, sex-specific epi-marks, which normally do not pass between generations and are thus "erased," can lead to homosexuality when they escape erasure and are transmitted from father to daughter or mother to son."

Comment It's been a political issue since the 1970s (Score 0, Troll) 306

The only reason people like you think climate change is politically driven myth is because you weren't paying attention *before* it became a political issue.

Try the 1970s consensus that warming was occurring:

This has always been a political issue which exists as a proxy for denial of the actual underlying problem, which is overpopulation.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
