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Comment Re:That test is excruciating (Score 1) 226

Teabagger programmers won't bother with your suggestions.

Exactly! I produced this list from experience of working with other people, including "senior" "engineers".

"Hey guy, your implementation is faulty but it almost looks like it works. The most obvious failure occurs because of the race condition this creates when you read the user's clock instead of referencing the server time. Obviously this behaves more wrongly when the user's clock isn't accurate."
"So what's the big deal?"
(takes palm away from face to draft a resignation letter)

Comment Re:That test is excruciating (Score 1) 226

This is sort of important, in some cases. But guess what?

So many places use JSON to bloat what could easily by binary data into text strings multiple times the necessary size to transmit data.

This is kind of "solved" by compressing the data, but it's basically all bloat and overhead when things like protobuf and messagepack exist

Comment That test is excruciating (Score 1) 226

Just reading the test and getting in the mindset of a soulless cog that produces code is so unpleasant. And they added a time limit to make it extra gross.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The foundation of CS knowledge I want from coworkers is that they know how to:
1.) Handles dates correctly
2.) Understand race conditions
3.) Grasp that floating point math is mechanical, not theoretical pure math

If I don't have to sell someone on those concepts, we can usually get the job done well

Comment Helpfully Unhelpful (Score 3) 43

I get genuinely angry at Google delivering search results for something I did not search for, because it operates on a codified assumption that what I'm asking for is not what I'm asking for, but rather something else that resembles a more common search.

Example: I wanted to know exactly what kind of bird Zazu from The Lion King is. On my mobile phone, I speak "What kind of animal is Zazu" and it correctly registers what I say before gaslighting me into searching "What kind of animal is in the zoo?"

I spoke like an idiot into my phone two more times to fail before typing in the little virtual keyboard to have the same wrong behavior, then I went to duckduckgo (bing, essentially) and got the answer I was looking for.

While I'm here griping about Google: I'm conditioned to expect google products to pop up annoyances when I'm in stride expecting utility from their applications. I already don't care what it's trying to bother me about, just hunting for the "okay, got it" button as fast as possible.

Comment How about the effects of school? (Score 2, Interesting) 66

This reads the same if you swap "social media" with "school". And before I got modded for trolling, we have some insight now on what happens when kids aren't subjected to in-person school because of pandemic closures. As with the details of science, there's no black-and-white conclusions to assert, but the upshot appears to be that kids do well when they're not stressed about bullying and forced to do meaningless work under threat of being labelled a failure.

And then he says this: "We don't like leave it up to car manufacturers to determine whether or not they've hit the standards or not."
The car manufacturers who are making vehicles with front blind zones so you can't see children in front of the vehicle? The manufacturers who put more and more distractions in the vehicles, and broadcast annoying beeps and honks loud enough to penetrate homes when the car locks and unlocks? The ones who make cars you can steal so easily it's a joke?

I don't know who allows that to happen, but the rate of cars killing people is increasing, so it's a peculiar example to choose.

Comment Re: is this Microsoft hate mongering again ? (Score 1) 68

I understand that it's fashionable to hate MS, Google, Apple, FB etc. But this isn't FB or Twitter. I expect better from Slashdot.

Ah yes, the /. community is famous for its sympathy and support for MS. How rude to suggest they forced (ahem, "negotiated") a poorly executed idea onto a captive audience just to chase market share and profit! /s

Comment We have the next language (Score 2) 220

It's WASM. It allows you to bring your own language

The rest of his problems have good answers too:
JS lang isn't good enough? Typescript
Runtime is too slow? Bun
Tooling too much hassle? Also Bun or Vite

Other languages are nice and all, but I haven't found a better DX setup than JS/TS for the kinds of things that get built with it.

Comment Re:It Costs Taxpayers Nothing (Score 1) 88

Yes, it's basically a high-speed, dedicated taxi lane, with no street crossings, no traffic lights, no pedestrians, no parking.

Those spaces the size of the cars, where they pull in to stop and wait indefinitely until someone uses the car - What name would one give to a spot for doing such a thing with a car?

Also if it's not an underground traffic jam, what does one call the situation of the cars being stopped in the tunnel and unable to move, on account of the other cars in the way?

Comment Re:Ocean currents (Score 1) 124

2. Improve science and math education so people can understand why this isn't a problem.

Solution #2 is far more cost-effective.

Easy there - if you do this one well enough they'll figure out nuclear power was the correct answer all along. Just don't put the backup generators for cooling in the tsunami basement this time.

Comment Re:Could they fix those annoying emoticons as well (Score 1) 94

lol this is the funniest thing I've seen so far today! That's so inexcusably janky and a direct obstacle to productivity. People have been, and still are complaining about it for years, examples abound.

Someone found an effective workaround using adblock to block these

Comment Re: These used to allow self hosted Jira (Score 1) 94

I really tried my best to take Agile/Jira seriously, but Jira is such a turd on its own, and I saw the same level of results you described. Good work seemed to happen despite Jira, not because of it. And bad work, unforgivable bugs, and lengthy delays and backtracking (or forward-hacking) were normal.

Every time I'd ask why some bad decision was in place (how it got there or why it can't be fixed), the excuse was always "Agile". And a lot of reasonable suggestions (like "why don't we take inventory of requirements?") was shot down with "That's waterfall! We're agile"

People always talk about what it's supposed to do, and I think "why don't we just do that instead of this silliness"? If management needs an activity log (they do), I'll write down the activity that's worth anyone's attention after we reach the destination.

It's like the emperor's new clothes. I can always point at some dumb detail in Jira and watch people shrug like it's so ordinary you don't even notice. Why is the input field for story points like 600px wide??!

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