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Comment Re:So, how far was it in relative terms? (Score 1) 29

Actually, those numbers have no additional utility to me. I cannot comprehend the distance to the Earth and Sun or Moon as I have no experience with either of those metrics. I do, however, understand the length of a mile and 1,000 miles, for I have traveled these distances before. 776,000 miles is simply 776 times as long as that 1,000 mile trip.

Comment Re:Ability to design and write software... (Score 1) 581

but he might be great at putting engines into the new model Tesla

Interesting choice of occupations you used, considering Tesla is the most automated car manufacturing facility in the world. He may be great at putting engines into cars, but he's not better than the robots they already have.

Comment Re:No jetpacks yet... (Score 1) 630

Jetpacks have been around since the 1960s. The most successful models involve carrying large quantities of H2O2 on your back, pushing it through a catalyst, and having the exhaust come out at destructively hot temperatures. They're heavy, hard to control, and only provide a few seconds of controlled flight. In other words, they're a huge liability for limited utility.

Much like other forms of transport, flight is most effective when it is scaled up to many persons per trip.

Comment Re:There's more than one part to this (Score 1) 1116

From what is known, Eich kept his opinions personal and did not use them to influence his behavior at work. He contributed to a political campaign as a private citizen and someone leaked the contributors list and made this information public.

Your case with the VP making his position known to his employees is drastically different from Eich's private contributions to a political campaign.

Comment Re:Controlling for... (Score 1) 427

Men aren't offered exciting projects, overtime, etc.; they actively pursue it. In the book "Ask For It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want" on Page 2, Linda Babcock describes exactly this scenario. All the male colleagues get the good jobs and the women get the less exciting roles. Upon inquiring why this was so, she was informed that the women simply never asked!

Link to the book:

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