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Comment Re:If you're not invited, it's secret? (Score 1) 87

That's what I was thinking. "If they're secret meetings, how does MS know that they happened?"

It was fun thinking of Ballmer hunched over a keyboard in the dark, face pale in the light of an old CRT that spilled onto the painted-cinderblock wall behind him and gleaming on the tinfoil wrapped round his head as he punched furiously on the keyboard as he tried to convince an X-Files newsgroup "I'M TELLING YOU! It's happening!!!!1!"

Comment We've been cutting funding for this stuff... (Score 4, Insightful) 87

since the 80s. It always amazes me when people are surprised that laws aren't enforced when we've been slashing the budgets of these 'evil bureaucratic' for 30 years. Funny how the bureaucratic ain't evil when he's doing something you want done, ain't it? Buddy of mine is getting screwed over in the only job he could find. Starts life as an ardent anti-bureaucratic guy until he goes looking for the labor board to seek redress and finds out there isn't one.

Sure kids. Have all the laws protecting you're rights you want. We control the purse strings, so we just won't fund enforcement.

Comment Re:Hmm.. Tough choice... (Score 1) 38

I'd go with Florida - they don't seem to share Texas's uber-macho cowboy thing.

But they're doing their best to keep up, what with their "shoot a black guy - get a coupon" laws and all.

Remember, once you get about a mile off the East Coast, Florida becomes Alabama right quick. You'll see more Confederate flags than there are spots on an Ocala stripper's butt.

Comment Grifters (Score 1) 38

It's not coincidental that Texas and Florida are the home of some of the worst land speculator rip-offs in history.

But I'm sure we'll see a lot of cheerleading around here. From the same people who want to tell us that solar and wind power are just too "out there" to be considered.

Please line up for your deeds to Actual Moon Real Estate!! and HOTELS IN SPACE!1!!

Comment Re:But ... But ... But ... (Score 1) 211

It isn't just how much force is added, but where it is added that matters. You can set off a megaton bomb underground and not much will happen other than the explosion, but you can also pump some pressurized water into the wrong spot and set off a 5.6 magnitude earthquake.

There is a whole lot more than 15 kt of potential energy stored up in geological formations. How do our methods of energy extraction affect it the stability of those formations, and how much of that potential energy is going to end up moving under our feet after we pump several million gallons of pressurized water into the crust? That's the real question.

Comment Re:What are we doing to our children? (Score 1) 217

Your arguments all assume the initial point - that when an industrialist says "reasonable" he really means completely in his own interest. Thus when the guy said educated people are the last to accept an imposition it didn't mean anything because of course he is so completely one-sided in his own perspective that he could never fathom any of his own desires as being unreasonable. Pretty much everything you've quoted works exactly the same way - it sounds shitty if you go into it expecting the worst of the authors, so that's the proof they are shitty so you should go into it expecting the worst of them.

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