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Comment Re:I hope the authorities can make use of the info (Score 1) 545

I find that any number (of people who enjoy the exploitation of children) higher than 0 to be too high.

Oh, come now - Someone has to thread those bobbins, the crawl-space doesn't fit an adult, and midgets have become increasingly scarce thanks to modern medical science.

/ Handbasket, please.

Comment Re:We need a workers government (Score 1) 465

No, the authors of the Constitution designed a society specifically set up to place wealthy, white, male landowners in exclusive control of society. Slavery was built into the system from the start.

No, they designed a distributed government of limited powers. History and documents and letters from the founders show that the founders wanted to eliminate slavery when the Constitution was written, but they would have lost the southern states and consequently the revolutionary war against the British if they did not ignore the issue at that time.

"Great as the evil of slavery is, a dismemberment of the union would be worse." - James Madison

"There is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery." - George Washington

"Every measure of prudence therefore ought to be assumed for the eventual total extirpation of slavery from the United States. I have, throughout my whole life, held that the practice of slavery is an abhorrence." - John Adams

There are many more.

As to the "3/5ths" issue, it was only for purposes of the census that slaves were counted as 3/5ths of a person so that the slave-owning states did not acquire an unfair advantage in the number of their representatives in Congress and block any effort to end slavery.

Slavery in the American colonies was started by a black man, Anthony Johnson, who owned a tobacco farm, not a white man. Anthony Johnson, a black, fought in the courts to become the first slave owner in the US. The first black US Senator was Hiram Revels in 1870. The army was non-segregated up until President Woodrow Wilson (D) segregated it.

Concepts like ordinary citizens being able to vote for their national legislators were specifically circumvented.

Voting was at first limited to land owners as a practical matter, as they were the only ones likely to be educated enough to be literate and comprehend what they voted upon, and would be the ones paying the taxes to fund the results. This changed after literacy rates improved.

If you meant the time prior to the 17th Amendment changing US Senate seats from State legislature-elected positions to citizen-elected positions, I believe that was wrong and that Amendment should be changed back to Senate seats being elected by State legislatures, as it has taken too much power away from the States and resulted in a nearly omnipotent Federal government.

Yes, the Constitution contained some good ideas; it's not pure evil, and parts are salvageable. But, neither is it a blueprint for a free and equal society, though it has frequently been mythologized as such.

The US Constitution has resulted in the most free & equal society ever to exist as a nation. Nothing is ever perfect or can ever be perfect that is made by man. Don't allow perfect to be the enemy of good.

Go read some history from first sources, not someone else's interpretations. Read the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers if you want to know what the founders intended regarding the Constitution in their own words. As you demonstrate with your reply, much of that history has been re-written or suppressed.


Comment Re:The police are passing up a gem (Score 1) 545

They should be partnering with the group...

You're assuming that the group is sane and competent and honest. When it comes to anti-pornography activists, evangelical fervor often overwhelms all other considerations as people fly off into a moral panic -- especially when children are involved. "OMG won't SOMEONE think of the CHILDREN!!1!"

I'd need to see something far more rigorous -- especially when the group in question has been accused of covering up for real child abusers and used a criminal defamation suit to silence the accuser.

That said: there are creeps on the net and you should not let ten-year-olds out there unsupervised. (Duh.)

Comment Re:Wrong thing to withold. (Score 1) 599

Try this on for size:

Interesting how you cited the one criteria (out of seven listed) that amounts to little more than feelgood fluff. Also interesting how the rest of those criteria make a single, clear point, while #4 has two distinct, completely unrelated parts to it.

I feel good about myself for solidly meeting the rest of those criteria. If the second half of #4 counts as the make-or-break test for the word - You can have it. I love what I do, but when I do it for someone else, I do it to get paid. Simple as that.

/ "All true Scotsmen, in addition to coming from Scotland, must actively enjoy holding hands and singing Kumba-ya".

Researchers Use Computer-Generated 10-Year-Old Girl To Catch Online Predators 545

mrspoonsi writes "Dutch researchers conducted a 10-week sting, using a life-like, computer-generated 10-year-old Filipino girl named 'Sweetie.' During this time, 20,000 men contacted her. 1,000 of these men offered money to remove clothing (254 were from the U.S., 110 from the U.K. and 103 from India). Charity organization Terre des Hommes launched a global campaign to stop 'webcam sex tourism.' It has 'handed over its findings to police and has said it will provide authorities with the technology it has developed."

Comment Re:Dumbass (Score 4, Informative) 410

Tire pressure MONITORING system.

If you owned a car with one, you'd know they are the bane of your existence. They're constantly failing.

Neither of us has any idea whether he checked tire pressure before he did the run. 130mph isn't really that super-duper in a modern car with tires rated for it...as noted, a decent number of people to it on the autobahn, or the Nurburgring, every day.

Comment Re:Helium Leaks (Score 1) 297

This. If possible, I like to use disks from the same vintage, but of slightly different runtime, into the same storage block (whatever your technology may be). It eliminates the need for different disk batches/etc. (which is a management headache to deal with after the fact, and can lead to weird perf issues) by staggering the likely failure.

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