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Comment Old news (Score 1) 170

This was covered last year in a BBC documentary; Oceans.


In Djibouti at the gateway of the Red Sea an oceanographic marvel is occurring - a new ocean is being formed. This ocean is being created by the tectonic plates of Africa and Arabia being torn apart. All oceans are formed in this way, but this is one of the rare places where this process can be witnessed first hand.

Comment Instructions (Score 1) 652

1) Point the rod at the nearest bystander.
2) Shoot and kill the bystander with a rifle.
3) Search the body of the dead bystander. If said body is wrapped in explosives - Congratulations! Your bomb detector rod has worked successfully. Otherwise if the body lacked explosives, this means your bomb detector rod is not properly calibrated. Return to step 1 and repeat instructions until your rod is calibrated.

Comment Re:Work Ethic? (Score 1) 808

What does a work ethic have to do with making wealth for other folks? A work ethic is simply your willingness to apply yourself to a worthwhile task. It could be volunteering for open source. It could be developing yourself. It could be starting your own business. You have a narrow view of work ethic.

Comment Re:Just confused? (Score 2, Insightful) 517

Considering that the jury are bound by the legalese in their every day life, I would hope they understand it to the letter. If they do happen to encounter something they are not familiar with during the trial, it should be encouraged for them to become more familiar with what is going on. It is their duty as a citizen to know and understand the law, after all.

Ignorance of legalese is not required to judge trials on fact alone. It is quite easy for a normally functioning brain to separate the two concepts.

Comment Google and Social Networks... (Score 1) 517

Well we know that people who post on Social networks have found their personal lives scrutinized. I don't agree with a juror having access to news print, electronic, digital in any form. This too goes for Social Network sites. The idea is to have an un-biased Jury. If jurors are circumventing the guidelines of outside influences by Googling or what not, then I think the juror needs to feel some re-precussion for his/her actions. Reverse the situation for a moment, you stand trial for a crime and while evidence may point in your direction, you're innocent, yet you've lived an adventurous lifestyle that some of the jurors may disagree with, would you want those jurors passing judgement against you based on information that is not relevant to the case? I certainly would scream MISTRIAL.

Conversely, if you were a really rotten stinker, Googling someone and finding out info that has not been brought to light may also help keep a really bad person from roaming the streets. Even though on a personal level I prefer the bad guys to pay their price, I'm not willing to watch those who are innocent have jurors manipulate the system when the information about isn't relevant. The bad guys will likely f'up again and pay their dues some how.

It's an interesting situation.

Comment Re:First (Score 1) 194

"preloaded" != "designed for"

There is a lot of hardware that is Linux compatable. Depending on the
luck of the draw, any particular device may be more or less compatible
with Linux depending what was included.

The likelihood that any PC was "designed for ubuntu" is vanishingly small.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 409

Sun's failures have less to do with linux and probably more to do with marketing taking over the company and messing with the expensive, but rock solid, hardware their clients came to trust -- and replacing them with cheaper variants.

How could they really have done this without Linux providing Unix on those cheap hardware replacements?

Comment Re:Guilty without trial by jury. (Score 1) 198

I'm sorry, you want what? A trial by jury before they can disconnect your internet? I don't agree with this proposed law, but you're still way off base. Since we're talking about the UK, I'm going to quote from the Magna Carta:

No freeman shall be taken captive or imprisoned, or deprived of his lands, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any way destroyed, nor will we go with force against him nor send forces against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.

You'll note that it doesn't say no punishment without a jury trial. Juries are important. But you don't get one anytime you feel that people are being mean to you.

Comment Re:Biometrics (Score 4, Informative) 247

Okay, I'll bite. Because you're too cheap. Seriously, biometrics that actually work (are hard to fool) are going to make your keyboard several hundred to several thousand dollars more expensive.

Those fingerprint readers that come for "free" build into laptops are snake oil.
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