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Journal Journal: Sup my freedoms? 3

So, I've been taking part in my favorite and most freedom* thing to do. Being mean to people during a console launch.

In all seriousness though, if some of these doom and gloom rumors/posts on that defect/overheat issue are correct, MS is malowned. [Queue graphic of little timmy crying over his broken XBox 360] "Sorry Timmy! No christmas for you this year!" - Big Bad Bill

Considering at least half of those units they shipped are more than likely sitting wrapped up in a closet somewhere... ouch. I swear it's like watching SEGA all over again.


Comeon MS, smite someone that deserves it for once!

Peter Moore, you suck!

* - Brought to you by the Schlocam alliance of hiphop verbal engineering.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hearings - Price Controls on Essential Commodities 1

During a state of emergency.

The big problem with doing this is that you will have shortages. The suppliers will charge what the market will bear, which will curb demand so things reach equilibrium. That's the free market.

The problem of course being that the free-market is, well, if anthropromophized, the most uncompassionate SoB ever to exist. This is what price controls attempt to address.

And that's fine. But they'll need to go hand in hand with a sane rationing system. Which I don't think will fly(You mean I can't pay a hell of a lot extra to take a non-essential trip!? PSHAW!).

So, yay for congress trying to look like they're doing something. Next.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Civilization 4 - Impressions 3

They haven't fixed a few things that just don't make sense. For instance, my gunship(a helocopter) will still get damaged and even destroyed by melee units. Same with other advanced units. They still generally win due to greater strength, but you could in theory mob a modern unit with the right pre-modern units and take it down. IE: pikemen against cavalry(even though the cavalry have guns, they go down like a drug-addict in a back-alley desperate for a fix).

The civics system is interesting. Lets you mix and match various things in 4 categories to get little bonuses, and complicates the tech trees a bit.

Great people are good for three things, tech, culture, and buildings. They cost cash to upkeep so I like to sac em for tech or a wonder ASAP. You can also sac two to usher in a golden age, which increases your production and gold.

Being warlike is still the best way to get a good score. Which sucks for us tech whores. The guys with early era special units can still on the right map just mob you into oblivion. The romans dominate at this(their special unit is cheaper and almost as powerful as the next-tier normal unit), providing you get lucky enough to get access to iron fairly quickly.

Cultural victories are possible with every nation, but not a good way to get a decent score. You can't really achieve one quicker than you could a military or domination victory. And it's far easier to win a diplomatic or space race victory. So, the best bet is still military domination, with a slight nod to diplomacy.

Ah well, especially for those of us who don't think the game really starts until towards the end. Fortunately you can mix up the rules.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Devil's Dictionary 4

Corporation (noun): An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. - Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

So true.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gaming - Age restriction legislation 2

Personally, I see absolutely no problem with the restriction of adult(and licensed) material to minors(the SCOTUS, since our dear friend Fortas left it has been in complete agreement on the rights of children, special exemptions et all). There is a growing perception that this is a problem, and currently the political fallout goes largely to the content developers.

By passing sane legislation(current proposed legislation is a bit onerous at points, black-bagging M games and keeping them out of premium retail space, fines in excess of the nearest equivalent in current law... tobacco sales, etc.) we can in effect do the following:

1. Gain political capitol by "thinking of the children" which we can use to ensure adult access to the material, as well as access by minors with explicit parental permission.

2. Prevent a similar situation happening in the video game industry that lead to crap like the comic book code under related circumstances. Industry self-regulation to avoid said fallout has thus far, in the US at least, restricted and stifled creativity in content as much as obsenity laws have(yes, ye olde Miller Test). Examples include network standards and practices(even cable channels fall prey to this even though there is no regulation of cable), the MPAA ratings system(how much stuff is cut or toned down to make an R/PG-13 rating?), etc. If the content levels aknowledged by the law are <18 & >18, and current trends continue, then there will basically be no limit to what you can put into an > 18 restricted or not rated title. The point is that age restriction can paradoxically free content by removing the concern that a pitchfork-wielding mob of parents and lawmakers is going to come down on you if you put a little hot-coffee into the game.

3. Deflect any blame, deserved or not, off the industry itself(and lawmakers for not "thinking of the children") and onto clerks and parents. After all, minors would be prohibited by law from making such purchases themselves.

4. Prevent people from claiming a minor purchased software, thus forcing the retailer to take it back regardless of policy.

5. Put video-game retail store clerks firmly into the college-age category.

6. Give retailers and developers a nigh-ironclad defense from frivalous lawsuits by victims of violence looking for a scapegoat as well as outraged parents.

The other option to solve this back-burner crisis, would be a campaign by retailers to remake their image in a similar vein as the movie industry did. A bit of an ad blitz, a few Gamestop fires clerk for selling GTA3 to 12 yo headlines, and you start fixing the perception. It has the same effect, w/o the force of law, and thus is equivalent in some ways, but imo a worse solution because it won't convey all of the benefits a law would.

Politicians are going to make political capitol off of this issue. They're already doing it in Florida, California, and to a lesser extent up on the hill. We can either engage in the process from the inside and get things that benefit us and the industry or we can take the politically unviable hard-free-speech tact and get shut out. Personally, I'd rather be in, and I'm an ACLU supporter. Leave the free-speech fight for another day, over other groups.

Just ask yourself this, would you rather have people like me engaging with lawmakers and the media, or guys like Jack Thompson?

Oh and while I'm thinking about it, the puerile shit isn't helping.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gah... We hates flat file inits 11

Seriously, WTF?

This crap is the biggest reason why I hate Slackware. In a sane init system, to disable a service in a runlevel, cd to it, mv SXXdaemon sXXdaemon, boom, done. And you can quickly see that it's turned off. No need to open up a friggin file that contains ALL of the init scripts(or executes em, yay! a workaround to part of the annoyance!) to figure out what's what. One quick look. Done.

God how I hate that style of init.

User Journal

Journal Journal: No one mentioned 12

It's the 4 year anniversary of September 11th, 2001 at least not that I saw yet.

So, there you have it, it's the anniversary of that event. Not much else I can say on that topic.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Let me just say this 22

I don't give a shit how piss-poor the mayor of new orleans and the governor of Louisiana are. That's the pure fucking spin. I am a resident of NEITHER, the people of those areas can hold their OWN leaders asses to the fire, and I expect they will.

I do OTOH have to live with federal response to emergency events that MAY effect me.

You'd think post-9/11 that would be, oh, you know, a priority or something. Guess not. Good thing this wasn't a foreign invasion or a terrorist attack.

Fuck, for the first time in my life I find the scenario found in the movie "Red Dawn" to be ALMOST believable.

User Journal

Journal Journal: CITY at the center of THE WORLD 8

So I was telling SIELWOLF about my trip to TIMES SQUARE in NEW YORK CITY... THE CITY, in NEW YORK STATE, where I picked up a HOOKER, and it turned out to be AL PACINO. He was working on SCENT OF A WOMAN at the time, and kept saying HOO-HAH.

So recently, ME and SIELWOLF decided to go down to THE MALL in THE DISTRICT, to see the NATIONAL FIREWORKS by the WASHINGTON MONUMENT. We walked down K STREET and saw JAMES CARVILLE sucking on LEMONS. When we got to around NEW YORK AVENUE, we saw KARL ROVE clubbing BABY SEALS and chugging CRUDE OIL, so we gave him A WAVE.

We got to THE MALL, and ended up being bored, so we decided to go to a similar sized country. We ended up in VATICAN CITY. Where we saw THE POPE driving around in his POPEMOBILE. It had THEME MUSIC, which went DAH-DAH-DAH-POPE-MAN. But the VATICAN CITY didn't have enough JESUS, so we bounced to JERUSALEM.

Which is in ISRAEL. And while stopping by the WEST WALL, we met a STREET MERCHANT who went by MUHAMMED ALI. He sold me a COMMEMORATIVE PLATE which was filled with JESUS. But it turned out to be ARTIFICIAL JESUS, so I tracked him down in ANKARA, and made the mistake of badmouthing ATATURK. So I got put in a TURKISH PRISON, where I got a TURKISH PRISON TATOO. It was NOT FUN.

On the way back I flew into BOSTON and stopped by HARVARD SQUARE, where I saw BLINDER looking at fliers. But a bunch of HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL KIDS were MOBBING the area, so I didn't get to say hi. When I flew back to BALTIMORE, I stopped by MOUNT VERNON and bought a RESSURECTION. I spilled some on my COMMEMORATIVE PLATE and it turned the ARTIFICIAL JESUS into REAL JESUS.

So I took it down to THE MALL, and now THE DISTRICT has 10% more JESUS. Which is a marked improvment because we switched to JESUS-POWER back in the early OUGHTS as an ALTERNATIVE FUEL SOURCE for GOVERNMENT. So I got awarded a CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL, and I'll always have my TURKISH PRISON TATOO to remind me of the TRIP.

And now I'm SUBMITTING this to SLASHDOT.

User Journal

Journal Journal: We care about 1

business, not about you.

A look into the future of this country thanks to the Republicans and their war on EPA regulation for the sake of industry, a rural elementary school in WV has developed a high incidence of black lung disease and other respiratory disorders.

Yes, kids with coal miner diseases.

The cause, a nearby coal mine pumping coal dust into the air. In full compliance with current clean air regulations(which Bush wants to loosen!).

Protestors at the mine site were arrested.

A grandfather of one of the affected kids picketed the governors mansion for days before finally being allowed an audience. The school is being moved rather than forcing the coal company to clean up their act. Nothing happens to the coal company. Nothing happens to the CEO that okayed the cost saving measure.

We don't care about people. We care about who you sleep with, we care about forcing you to have unwanted children, but you? Fuck you!

Not in my backyard! We'll export it overseas so we can drive our SUVs and live in the suburbs, and provide all sorts of creature comforts while ignoring our children. Because god damnit, being a selfish son of a bitch is how we roll.

We don't want to live with the poor brown people. Hell, if some of them have to die so I can be secure in my property and my future and not have to sacrifice a damn thing, then that's just what they're going to have to do.

More, more, more, more! Mine, mine, mine!

I hope you don't believe in a higher power.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Changing my position 52

I will change my position on abortion when those advocating the overturn of Roe v. Wade also advocate that the mothers suffer the same penalties as the doctor(as they are equally culpable). It being murder, that penalty would be death.

Ahh, but there are exceptions, right? But wait, that's still a life, right? So that means ending it, regardless of how it got there, is of course murder. So now we have raped women and victims of incest guilty of murder for ending the pregnancy.

Or does intent factor in? It's only a "life" under the law according to these certain criteria.

Of course the women can't be responsible for the murder! They're just women! You can't blame the "weaker sex" for being manipulated by evil subversives into killing their child. It is, of course the subversives fault.

And we're teaching abstinence only sex ed, because it works, darn it. In contrary to every study, every fact, the lessons learned by observing an entire continent, it works. LALALALALALALALA *plugs ears* Quiet subversives with your reason and logic and empirical evidence!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Reflections 4

I had a conversation with Mekkab a long time ago about help desks and why they don't help. The short answer is, helpfulness isn't what's measured, stats are. And stats are built up by keeping the queue clear. Getting you off the phone ASAP or to call back.

My first job, which was also my first IT job, was on a help desk. 3 tiered. CSRs took customer calls and entered in tickets into a web front end and then transfered the calls to the tech queue(where I was). Calls would also directly enter the tech queue, with CSR acting as overflow(and they made only $1/hour less than we did, go fig). Third tier was management/supervisors.

If you've ever screwed around with an ACD system you know that there is a post-call and user enterable state generally called either make busy or aftercall which makes a logged in user ineligable for calls from the queue. Now, management had supposedly disabled this state, but they didn't actually do it(very incompetent upper-level staff, they gave my friend Tom a pager and a key to the server room so he could joggle badly crimped cables).

One day, while desperately trying to close out queued tickets, I discovered it was not in fact disabled. I decided to start using it to call people back who either hadn't been dealt with, or who I had given some kind of task to do(reinstall windows, reinstall drivers, what have you) when call volume was low.

I led closed tickets and client/customer compliments for a month, was second to last for total inbound calls for my shift, and second for shortest call talktime. When asked how I did this, I told them.

They fired me for excessive aftercall usage. Temp employee. 2 months later after having the staff rewrite their training manuals they fired the whole permanent staff, rebought the company from the parent company, and relocated.

Service did not improve.

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Journal Journal: Slow Down Cowboy! 12

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