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Journal buffer-overflowed's Journal: We care about 1

business, not about you.

A look into the future of this country thanks to the Republicans and their war on EPA regulation for the sake of industry, a rural elementary school in WV has developed a high incidence of black lung disease and other respiratory disorders.

Yes, kids with coal miner diseases.

The cause, a nearby coal mine pumping coal dust into the air. In full compliance with current clean air regulations(which Bush wants to loosen!).

Protestors at the mine site were arrested.

A grandfather of one of the affected kids picketed the governors mansion for days before finally being allowed an audience. The school is being moved rather than forcing the coal company to clean up their act. Nothing happens to the coal company. Nothing happens to the CEO that okayed the cost saving measure.

We don't care about people. We care about who you sleep with, we care about forcing you to have unwanted children, but you? Fuck you!

Not in my backyard! We'll export it overseas so we can drive our SUVs and live in the suburbs, and provide all sorts of creature comforts while ignoring our children. Because god damnit, being a selfish son of a bitch is how we roll.

We don't want to live with the poor brown people. Hell, if some of them have to die so I can be secure in my property and my future and not have to sacrifice a damn thing, then that's just what they're going to have to do.

More, more, more, more! Mine, mine, mine!

I hope you don't believe in a higher power.

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We care about

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  • The company is Massey Energy.

    The school is Marsh Fork Elementary School.

    The (16) protestors were arrested in Sundial, West Virginia for trespassing after they crossed Massey Energy land while marching from the school to the plant.

    The sludge dam is approximately 1200 feet from the school, less than one quarter mile.

    There appears to be a site about this []. It's a little sketchy, however. In one place it says that the sludge dam could "burst and kill everyone in its path". While technically true, since a s

"Well, it don't make the sun shine, but at least it don't deepen the shit." -- Straiter Empy, in _Riddley_Walker_ by Russell Hoban
