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Comment Re:iPad (Score 1) 750

I run Click2Flash. The *only* useful implementation of Flash I ever see is for videos. So, go to Youtube, click on video, it works.

All the other Flash I run across in my daily browsing is screaming obnoxious ads.

Oh, and maybe a weird flash photo gallery on a newspaper site once a month.

Yes, it is a slight drawback that the iPad does not do Flash. Very slight.

Comment Re:problem with the officers (Score 1) 262

As a doctor, if I did that, I'd be fired and probably have my license taken away. Why should the police, who have the power of life or death over Joe Public not have to be held up to the same strict standards? Fire those cops, I say.

The House Committee on UnAmerican Activities will be sending the boys around with your ticket to Guantanamo, Real Soon Now. You should be calling for their execution, not their dismissal.

Or did you mean to have them executed by burning at the stake? That would be a violation of some pre-millennial rules about "cruel and unusual punishment", so that'll be alright.

Comment Re:Wallet voting (Score 3, Insightful) 252

I already voted with my wallet, I'm sticking with DVD until they are done playing games.

Haven't bought a new television for HDMI, haven't bought an HD-DVD or Blu-ray player and you know what? I didn't even buy a PS3, Wii or XBOX 360 for the same reason.

You can't say its a standard or a feature and then change, remove or force me to upgrade anymore. I'm done with that stuff.

I'm satisfied with my standard television, my standard DVD and my standard gaming on a PS2 (more of a PC gamer anyways) and what's more, a lot more people are getting the same way. If there's no explicit reason to change something, don't upgrade, don't buy it and just support what you like or use and save the money for supporting that, it is cheaper in the end anyways.

Comment Re:.. i must have seen that before (Score 4, Interesting) 106

Midori is just a first stab at a commercial version of Singularity. When I was working at MS a few years ago Midori was already being worked on; some of Windows built-in apps were being converted to run on it so they had something to test with it. It's not exactly new, and it's only a step or two from the Research group; I don't expect to see an actual released OS from the project for a long time.

From my impression of the project, it was mostly about finding a way to make the OS scale to massively multi-core machines; Windows can run on a many-core OS, but eventually all the locking and contention at the kernel level starts costing you a lot. Both the OS and the associated .NET-like language are designed to put constraints on the programming such that the processes can be parallelized efficiently without excessive locking.

Comment When Salon.com paywalled.. (Score 1) 344

When Salon.com paywalled they didn't deny free access to the entire website. They just make it quite annoying to access for the people who didn't pay. Salon.com is still around and occasionally interesting. Especially when they can get Camille Paglia to do a column. They seem to have a lot of people on staff that do little more than come up with new ways to annoy their web site viewers. But they were the first people to tell me about MP3 files twelve years ago, so I'm eternally grateful to them for that.

      The worst paywalls are the video clips that make you wait through a 30 second to one minute commercial before they will show what you clicked on. I just jump out of these situations because I hate commercials and I have seen too many already in my life.

      The ugliest website that I have ever seen is Asia Times (www.atimes.com). Good content is buried somewhere deep in all this mess. Ebay is getting to be quite ugly too, as is Yahoo!. I'm switching my main e-main address to Google mail so that I don't have to wait for all the schmaltz useless photos on Yahoo that clog my dial-up bandwidth.

Comment I've encountered the same problem... (Score 1) 249

...and solved it with Panasonic Toughbooks. I did SONAR research systems for a half a decade, and we always had problems with not just sand and dirt from the remote locations we were in, but often saltwater spray as well. Panasonic Toughbooks were the only laptops that stood up to everything we did, and never failed. Yes, they're expensive, but they're worth it, especially when you're paying $2500 per day for a research vessel and your laptop dies when you're 4 days out into the ocean. That's a $20,000 (there and back) failure.

Comment Re:Limited to Broadcom only? (Score 1) 49

Intel uses IPMI, which tends to not have quite as many management hooks into higher level functions as ASF. There are still plenty of things that can go horribly, horribly wrong with a bad IPMI implementation...but they're more likely to be exploitable because of something on the system side than something on the NIC side.

Comment Re:Government Project Cost Overruns? (Score 1) 306

Yeah, the idea that someone is making 2/3 of their normal salary under unemployment gives you two mathematical possibilities: either unemployment payouts are high or the person's original salary was low. It's most likely the latter. I think unemployment is usually only a couple hundred a week, so it means the teacher in question probably wasn't making much more than $30k. Hardly rolling in it.

If you think about it, it's all the more reason why that person probably needs the unemployment. In most places, it's not easy to save much money for a rainy day when you're making $30k.

It's kind of like when people complain about some statistic like "The 10% of people who make the most money pay 50% of the taxes in this country." If true, that leaves 2 mathematical possibilities: either we're placing heavy taxes on the richest people in this country, or the richest 10% are making *way* more money than the rest of us. It's most likely the latter.

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