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Comment Re:It's working as designed (Score 1) 151

Is Google to big for Go Woke Go Broke?
Ulimatly wokeness is a perverted form of Marxism that attempts to divide people into groups, where one group is the oppressor and the the oppressed. In the current form of this left wing nonsense, all white people are oppressors and no criticism is allowed of any non white group.
Men are women, women are men, children can mutilated in the name of diversity, you can be arrested in the Ireland for misgendering. It’s become a crazy clown world!

Comment Re:That could be a great victory (Score 1) 323

The dimwits are the healthy under 60’s who took a dangerous vaccine.
I’ve run a high tech engineering company with over 100 staff for 30 years. I’m no idiot.
My business partner and I independently concluded vaccination risks outweighed covid risks.
Are you calling me a dimwit? I’ve had covid once, and not again while all my vaxed staff seem to repeatedly get reinfected.
Go watch some Dr Campbells you tube videos where he is initially a rabid pro vaxer, and is now horrified with death and disability the vaccines have caused.

Comment Re:Ok serious question (albeit unkind) (Score 0) 323

Then explain the huge increase in overall mortality in highly vaxed countries.
Explain why embalmers are pulling out foot long clots out people that they did not see before mRNA vaccination.
Explain why the mRNA vax migrates from the injection site and keeps producing antigen for many months after vaccination in some people.
Explain the risk of DNA contamination causing possible genetic integration.

Comment The preferable tech career (Score 1) 121

Not fit to weigh in on this one, only to comment that a lot of people might envy having those same engineering problems that first engaged you in school, still your reason to tear-hair decades on in the career.

Linus is actually farther along in his career arc than the pond scum that had to go apologize to Congress for their products this week; an apology cheerfully given, as it was not just cheap, but free. Congress has no intention of actually legislating or regulating away their oligopoly and their freedom to continue.

But Linus gets to argue about inodes this week, and sleep well, and as I understand it, still worth millions anyway, sleeping in a fine bed, eating the best of foods. He picked medium chill.

Comment So, not the "solar industry" then. (Score 4, Insightful) 158

If you can put on panels, save money on electricity, pay off the panels, then the "solar industry" is fine. Just as "build a house, sell for more than it cost to build" remained a solid industry before and after 2008. It was the FINANCIALIZATION scheme built upon those sold, real-life, industries that fell over - just like 2008, most likely. I'm sure a lot of lying was involved, again.

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