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Comment Re:Um, excuse me? (Score 1) 327

The problem is that inverters need a stable grid to synchronize to when feeding power back to the grid. They cannot help stabilize the grid like base-load generators do.
That is wrong. You can tell the inverter to run a split second ahead. And industrial connections, do exactly that.
Also solar farms are gigantic capacitor, they can be used to slow down the grid frequency.

so the problems with inverters will have to be addressed
There is no problem with inverters. You are misinformed.

Comment Re:How does the FTC have this authority? (Score 1) 93

They don't - something like this needs an Act or Congress.

SCOTUS made up some BS "Chevron Deference" in the 80's which has been abused like this since.

The current /Maine Fisheries/ case should dissolve Chevron deference.

We may like the FTC proposal on this one but with that kind of power and no representation it's only counting the days until they do something we absolutely detest. And then there's no effective recourse.

Comment Even fake leather is better (Score 1) 39

There's a reason that there is a saying that goes "Wears like leather." Leather is an excellent material to make durable stuff out of if it can't be made out of metal or needs some give.

Even if you can't bring yourself to use real leather from any animal (a waste Native Americans would chide you for given how much leather is produced as a bi-product from raising cattle for food), there are plenty go fake leathers that feel great and wear really well!

The "fine woven" stuff was crazy bad. I upgraded my phone this year and waited to look at the cases in person, and wanted no part of what I could tell was a terrible material just by touching it. You could tell just from sample cases in the store it would not wear well...

Generally though for me, third party cases have been simply better for a number of years now, and first party Apple cases have just not been as good. But they could at least get back to making soemthing that felt and looked premium.

Comment Re:A puff piece that's outright misleading (Score 1) 66

Classical base load mostly does not exist anymore.
So a non dispatchable wind plant: is of course base load. What else would it be?
You orchestrate your load following and load balancing plants around the fire and forget plants and the variations of wind and consumer behaviour.

Wind is by all means base load.

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